
scott craven

Well-Known Member
I've tried lots of different trebles... eagleclaw,mustad,gammy's
but for the money the best ones are the grey steel
"rhys davis extra strong"
They have a needle sharp point that stays sharp, and they don't
rust out as quick as some others's
anybody else use them ?
For me gammys are the best since I've started using only them I've hardly lost any fish. They are soo sharp!!!

Cheers Codfish
I'm a gammy man the sharpest hook I think .I buy the barb less hooks.But I would have to say those Rhys Davis hooks would be my second pick.I don't bother sharpping hooks when they aren't sharp they are usually ready to be thrown out
Is 'gammy' the trade name? What would I ask for at the sport shop?

Thanks, Tom
quote:Originally posted by Gone Fishn

Gammy's are good but owners are my choice!!

Having used both, In your opinion, what is stronger (treble least likely to bend out), 1/0 Gammy or 1/0 Owner, or 1/0 VMC ??

In your opinion, what is sharper, treble, 1/0 Gammy or 1/0 Owner, or 1/0 VMC ??
Has anyone tried a treble with a hootchie? Does it throw off the action any and would you use a single treble or with a trailer single or what? How about with a spoon?
VMC all the way for me there the best!!!!!!!

I have not used the VMC.... but I do like the owners over the gammy's!! Never had one bend out yet!
quote:Originally posted by saltspringer

Has anyone tried a treble with a hootchie? Does it throw off the action any and would you use a single treble or with a trailer single or what? How about with a spoon?

WHY would you want to use a treble hook fishing with a hootchy anyways? WHY would you want to use a treble hook in the chuck ANYWAYS?

TREBLE HOOKS are for weenies!

Use single hooks.

Gamakatsus are worth the money. If you can afford to buy the gas, and fish the chuck, you can afford the Gamakatsus...they're WICKEDLY sharp. If you straighten the hook, you're guilty of not being a sporting angler.

Strong words, and yes it's strongly opinionated, but it's not meant to put down other anglers.

I'd like to see treble hooks ELIMINATED for everyone, natives included. BAN treble hooks in the salt. They cause more harm to fish than singles.
Hey magician, I just asked for sopme simple information.When you get to be 70 or so You don't need a moral diatribe from some whippersnapper.I can't afford the gas prices and other expenses so I go out ,try to get my limit and head home and if a treble hook can get me done faster so be it! Treble hooks have been around a lot longer than you have so why not use them. It seems to me that getting a fish in the boat is the prime reason to be out there instead of getting a bunch of fish on and playing them until they are exhausted and become a target for all sorts of problems. Get your fish get out of there and help preserve our stocks..
quote:Originally posted by fishin_magician

WHY would you want to use a treble hook fishing with a hootchy anyways? WHY would you want to use a treble hook in the chuck ANYWAYS?

TREBLE HOOKS are for weenies!

that's a pretty broad statement....
i know a lot of good fishermen,not to mention responsible, who prefer to use trebles on bait.
Gamakatsu is a very reliable hook and personal preference here is like asking a man what kind of car/truck he drives.
The answers will be varied and probably all true to the originator , bottom line....... fish what you are comfortable with and when in doubt of any hook throw it out and put another one on.
Going to Renfrew tomorrow to see if any coho are showing.

Luck to you all

I have to agree with fishin_magician. I like to use a single gammy on my bait too...

Right behind a 3x strong treble [:p]

FYI. the difference beween the 3x strong trebles I use compared to the rest.. Have you ever caught a fish with your line tight in the shaft of the treble? Then when you pull it out it is nicked there at that spot..? The 3 x trebles I use are sodered or welded there so that your line can not get stuck and you can't loose a fish from it busting you off after your line gets stuck in there and pulls back out in fight. Just something to consider..

by the way .. can I have all these hooks you guys keep throwing out. I would never have to buy another 1.
The guide we hired out of Ucluelet a few weeks ago was adamant that trebbles did much less damage to a caught fish than did a single. The singles tend to be quite large and will pierce the head or gills whereas the smaller trebbles will normally hook the fish in the front of the mouth and cause less damage. We were using both types of hooks and saw many examples of the truth in what he was saying. (Kenny is know to speak his mind ;)).

I've always held that the hooks used should be of a material that will rust away quickly. This is incase the fish breaks the line and swims away with the hook imbedded somewhere. This sound reasonable[?]

a guide friend of mine has me using single trebble hooks , lol these hooks are thin wire brass hooks , i just love them . you get them in the 4 packs of replacement hooks for buzz bombs. great hooks welded right down the shaft. landed many big fish . sometimes they bend like all hooks but never brake. tight lines scottyboy