Hooks on Gibbs Spoons.

Makes sense given the number of people who are throwing away and replacing hooks.
A spoon is under $10.00 a pack of bait is over $10.00. If I can get a few days out of a spoon I am ahead. And yes, I change out the hook before they hit the water. Then I rinse everything well after each trip. If I don't then I get rusty hook and it gets replaced.
I replace the hook on most spoons with a Mustad hook.
A bit of a sidetrack (or maybe a lot) - what is your favorite spoon?
My absolute favorite over the last few years has been the Gold Star 3" - Herring aid and Cookies and Cream.
I really would like to use the AP spoons more, but I just have not figured out how to make them produce even remotely like the Gold Star (I fish mainly Quatsino Sound and WH)
I have changed out the original hooks on 3" spoons with VMC Techset 3/0 size with Siwash open eye. If you get too large of a hook, the spoon does not work as designed. Tail wagging the dog?
Yeah skinny G’s are good for many fish. Coho killers are much flimsier but they both produce like crazy.
hooks on both get replaced right away. I think I rock mustad 4/0 on skinny g and only 3/0 on coho killers as they don’t take the weight of the thicker hooks as well.
Most tackle these days is made in China and with the absolute cheapest materials possible. Lighthouse lures is probably the worst, put a spoon down one fish and all the pattern or half the paint is gone. After a few hours most all the paint is gone. Hooks absolutely trash too, can bend them with one finger. Their pre rigged hootchies which claim to be 40lb floru I’ve had snap when releasing a 3 pound fish the first use. Complained and oh it was a bad batch of line here’s some replacements, same thing snapped in my hand first fish, trash. A lot of the other manufacturers are not much better, kingfisher the paint usually lasts a day, sometimes you’ll get a good one tho and the paint will last a while. Every spoon I remove the stock hook and replace with either a gami 4 or 5 or mustad 2x strong.
Some smart entrepreneur should offer his or her spoons as hook free for those who prefer to use their own hooks.
Grand Slam Bucktails does that I just got three in the mail today just about to rig them with Owner cutting point 6/0 murderers.

gibbs delta makes the shittiest quality tackle around , not to mention their knobby marketing schemes.

it’s a shame pesca stopped production, bought all the 5 inch green lantern stock i could find when they sold out. quality products
I probably have a lifetime supply of pesca spoons but if I ever run out, I’ll probably start making and painting my own. It’d be a fun hobby and they really aren’t anything special lol.
I agree that the quality is much better and know that a lot of folks like them. I bought a set of 7 or 8 a few years back but they have never produced for me compared to the Wee G or Skinny G or even compared to the cheap coho killers. Not sure why,,,,wrong leader length????
I think my most productive spoon this year so far is the ap spoon, depth charge 3". It's got the biggest in bamfield and tofino for me this year.
Off Sooke this morning and as I have issues with Gibbs Spoons I figured I pull a brand new one out of the package , was planning on replacing but find I’m all out of replacement open eyes. So I drop her down , not a sniff for 1.5hrs then a pin popper that starts running, 4 -5minutes later I get it beside the boat it’s a high teen’r , nice, then I just about get my face taken off by the flasher. Fish is gone and so is the hook ,brand new Gibbs spoon. Total garbage …..the ring is intact, hook completely missing

I don't fish spoons too often, and when I do its usually from my supply of Pesca's to Tomic's. If I do run a "factory" spoon, I always switch out the hooks for either Gamakatsu Big River or VMC Techset siwash hooks and match the hook size to the spoon size. i.e. 3/0 hook for spoons 3.0 or less, 4/0 for 4.0, 5/0 for 5.0, etc.
Whether or not it was actually hooked and caught on that spoon, we all know those are garbage hooks.
replace them with a better hook.
Thread over.
I win.
All the big guys use ****** hooks, I cut them all off and replace with owner. Which they would just sell without the hooks then I could save the step of cutting them off..
Now that’s how they can save money and we save time cutting them off
We have a winner ding ding ding