Help with my knot...

I've had a lot of fluoro leaders break until i started using palomar knots. Tie them carefully so there is minimal twisting in the line... No cinching until wetted with saliva. Fluoro is much stiffer than mono, gives hoochies great action behind a flasher. I only use fluoro for hoochies, mono for bait and spoons.
Does a Uni-knot work for fluoro ? Improved clinch was never 100% reliable for me so I went to the Uni-knot and can't remember the last break off. Mind everything is fresh when I start the day. :D Forty lb. Maxima for hoochies and bigger spoons. Thirty for bait and smaller spoons.

Fluoro is pricey and given mixed reviews I don't see the point, for salmon.

Nice smiley.