Heave Compensation?

Thinking about the spending the money, worked and saved 40 years and can't take it with me.
I'll need the techy son-in-law to help set it up. Then he can inherit it.

Biggest issue is where to mount the transducer? I don't want to drill or weld onto the pod so was thinking about making a bracket and bolting it onto the divers plate bolts. Not sure if that will be an issue at speed with cavitation on the bracket. Boats on a trailer so don't want a big fairing block under the boat.
The DFF3D can go in the beer cuddy so will need to bring less beer or find another spot.
Drill a hole and mount a thruhull. Trust me you won't regret it.
I purchased my boat pre-owned at it was all Garmin, from bow to stern. I’d thru-hull mount that DFF3D in a pocket mount if I had the space but there’s a GT51 mounted smack dab in the middle of the keel in the only access point for a through-hull and it would be a huge PITA removing it ….they’re not bad transducers, though…def hold clear picture at speed so I’ll leave it as is

If either of you guys want the (proper) faring block for the B54 (DFF3D) say the word and it’s yours
I installed the B175hw when I purchased the tzt this year. Still trying to get it dialed in.
I would still need a PBG transducer.