Has anyone seen a Sunfish out in the chuck?

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I read a great article on Sunfish(Moko Moko?). Has anyone on this board actually seen one when you've been out on the water. No, I'm not taking about the freshwater sunfish. Lets hear your story, please.
That is so cool! You always must take a camera out with you. I can't count the times I had dolphins, porpoises and killer whales right beside the boat with no camera.
There are lots off of the west coast of Vancouver Island during the height of summer.Mostly out on Laperouse Bank but I have seen one almost down as far as Port Renfrew. During this time they loll on the surface with 1 fin sticking out of the water. The fin rolls back and forth with the swell. They can be a considerable hazard to boats if you run into one, or worse yet, if your stabilizer rope hits one. I used to hear stories of commercial fishing boats that were running with no ballast being flipped when the stabie line hit a big sunfish. I don't know if that's true or not but I do know I didn't want to tangle with them, judging by their size.
When the jellyfish hit Hakai pass around the end of July, it is not unusual to see a six foot across sunny finning on the surface. Beware they do wonders on the leg if your not watching.-dirty
Yo Dirtdog! Long time no talk buddy. Hope all is well on the island. I'm gonna send you an email after I write his brief note...

Came close to seeing my first one ever up in the Charlottes last season, but just missed it. Man those suckers are big though - I can't wait till this season, hopefully I'll stumble across one.

I was out tuna fishing all last summer and we usually saw about 1 a week.some were as big as about 6 or 7 feet across. We actually bumped one with our stabelizer chain in some rough weather one afternoon.its reaction wasnt very exciting, all it did was give its fin one lazy flip and it moved about 5 feet away and just kept on drifting around.
OK I've got to ask, does anyone actually target these things (Sunfish)?

I mean, I know they're huge, but are they a "sport" fishery anywhere?

Just curious,

... "high water" is when you can fish from your car.
I think out of all animals on our planet they are suposed to have the most parisites. Thier parisites have parisites. I just want to see one and get some pictures. Does anyone have pictures of their encounter?
I saw one this summer while trolling offshore in Kyuquot Sound. I got some great pictures and could post them but im not sure how...
Well RedHerring and I made it out today. What and awsome day on the water but no fish. But we did see a submarine cruising around Equimanlt which was cool. I can imagine what a sub could do to your downrigger lines if you ran into one. Ouch!
From sunfish to submarines! We used to be amused by the antics between the Russians and the Yanks when we were commercial fishing on Swiftsure or the finger bank. Back when the cold War was on the russians used to hang out at the other end of juan de fuca (swiftsure) to see if they could spot the Tridents coming out of the strait. A guy I used to deck for swears he was trolling on swiftsure one time and looked up to see a periscope 30 yards beyond his mainline. He said he didn't know what to do so he just gave a little wave and damned if the periscope didn't wiggle back and forth in answer. We still don't know if it was an American or a Russian with a sense of humour.