Handling halibut at the boat


Well-Known Member
I'm curious how different people handle the halibut at the side of the boat.Do you use a spear? About what size do you decide to use a spear rather than a gaff(s)? What sort of rig do you use for your spear?
Forget the spear/harpoon-too clumsy and damned expensive to boot.
Go to a Commercial fishing store near you and buy a large Shark Hook-sharpen hook like razor-tie on 10 feet of 3/8" rope.
Get the Butt close to the boat lean over and simply slip the hook into his mouth-no fooling around like Tarzan (!)
Make sure the bitter end of the rope is securely tied to your boat and now you have him!He'll 'set the hook' when he dives and comes up short no worries there.
When he's stopped thrashing slip a large razor sharp knife into his gills and slash through.
Let him bleed out, throw him in the boat and continue fishing.

livin' la vida pesca!

Edited by - Sam Salmon on 03/07/2005 22:47:07
Using a shark hook is fine when you are drifting, try and do it when you are anchored and you have current just a bit of a challenge and you are also not close to getting a hook into your hand like I have seen and heard of!!!!!!!! For the price of a spear less than a ($100) ill take a spear any day and how can you say a spear is to clumsy maybe it is for you but it is the most simple way to get a hali in for me and most guides!!!!!

Good Luck Wolf
50 lbs. is my limit of boating a live hali. This is due for mainly two reasons.

1 - These critters are one huge muscle of fish!. They freak out at a factor of 10 as soon as their heads are lifted out of the water and any thing much larger on a gaff, your risk of loosing it before hauling the beast over the gunwales increases dramatically.

2 - Anything larger than 50 lbs won't slip fast and neatly in either fish box on my boat. Having one of them thrashing on the decks is just begging for trouble. Weather it's a tackle box getting dumped or boat fixtures being broken or worse , it knocking someone of their feet... Something is going to happen that will impede getting your hooks back down on the bottom for her 'mama'.

I like to error on the side of safe.

I as well tend to use a harpoon on the larger fish. the medium sized critters I'll likely use a shark hook. Remember, harpoons also need maintenance. Replace the crimps on a regular basis and sharpen the tips as well.

A friend of mine put this idea in my head last year. Think he might be onto something.

You know how them triple digit critters always come straight up, heads first, w/ mouths wide open?. Have your harpoon (or broom handle) rigged up w/ a large treble, shark sized hook, and ram it down it's gullet as far as you can go before releasing. That fish isn't going nowhere!. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
I would agree with Wolf on this one. You can't assure that the hali is going to be in the right position to get a good shot with the hali hook. I have a sure fire way of putting hali up and over 100 pound out in under 5 mins to where you can place them in the boat and not worry. Some of you might laugh at the though but if you talk to commercial boys, the will fill you in on the spots to knock em where they are out cold.
concerened angler if you are so concerened why would you say using a harpoon is and over kill we use poons for a reason "SAFETY" and the ease of killing a fish like I said earlier a shark hook has its place but not where you are anchored up and fishing current the hali comes up flat all you have to do is stick it and its yours no problem!why do you think all the guides use them are you calling us all idiots for using them for hali under a 100 # and overkilling them!!!!!!!!

When you are drifting a poon is hard to use because the hali comes straight up with its yap open thats where a shark hook will come into use different scenerio. On the big banks we just gaff them and throw them in because they are mostly chickens 30 lbs and below
Thanks for the info. For those "harpooners", what do you attach to the line coming off the head of the harpoon. I have heard some people tie it off to a cleat, others to a large bouy.
Anyone slit them on the "neck"? I used to do the gills, but found that there is a nice fat artery running just behing the mandible.... belly side, behind to the gills... I find it less awkward than the gills,takes only 1 swipe, and they bleed out quickly. Any one else cut them there?

T I run a float 20 ft from the poon head and then there is another 20 ft that I tie off just think of the movie jaws the bouy acks like a big bobber and tires out the fish because these fish DO have a lot of power when they are pissed I have even seen 50 lbers take the float under.

concerened the guides I know (which is a lot) ALL use them here, dont know where you are fishing I have never seen any guide here use a net but on swiftsure we do it because we are drift fishing and like i said earlier the hali come straight up which makes it difficult to poon.
Hey red yes the place where you slit it is where i do to but only after i have tied it off on the boat I put a rope through its mouth with this special tool i made then then run the rope up to its tail tie it off there they throw it over the side of the boat (tied off of course) then slit it I also cut its tail on a vertical line making sure i hit the bone as to bleed the fish out completly it also keeps the fish cold sitting in the ocean.

Good Luck Wolf
10-4 on that maddog you have been on my boat enough times to know what I am talking about.
T I run a float 20 ft from the poon head and then there is another 20 ft that I tie off just think of the movie jaws the bouy acks like a big bobber and tires out the fish because these fish DO have a lot of power when they are pissed I have even seen 50 lbers take the float under.

Thanks for this tip wolf. I don't care much for tying the big ones off to the boat. Always kept a second line w/ bobber handy for them. After the deed is completed we'd chase the ball around the ocean until she was tired out. One is amazed for how long that ball can disappear for. Never even thought of your approach. Kinda like using a spare tire for yank'n the pick-up out of the ditch!

Good one. <img src=icon_smile_approve.gif border=0 align=middle>

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
Bump! No shots Mr. concerned! Just keeping things hot on the board. It's good to hear about different tecqniques, styles and oppinions reguarding this topic. Wolfman! You at home? Lets go bang on some G.H,s later if your home?
Concerned Angler; are you saying that there is something wrong with harpooning an 80IB BUTT? I would much rather harpoon it than risk either missing it or having it shake free with a gaff. Especially when there is money on the line.........
It all comes down to wanting to look like a Hero.
Some guides think quite highly of themselves and a few on this site act like it's their private domain-thus the cheap shots and chest beating which has been a problem here over the years.
Drinking each others bathwater is a habit with this clique.

Once a Halibut is beat he comes up easy as long as you don't take his head out of the water.
I like the idea of the handle on the hook BTW-easier than ever.

BTW-a Spring Salmon doesn't like his head lifted out of the water either-in that regard Halibut aren't at all unique.

livin' la vida pesca!