hallie derby

Good Luck ...just got in from Work, too late to make esq legion... May you all have a great time tomorrow.:)..may the 'old Woman of the sea' have a Visit!!<img src=icon_smile_blackeye.gif border=0 align=middle> Enjoy!!!!

On The Beach
Yeah, good luck all. I'll have to live vicariously through all of your posts tomorrow. Looking forward to reading the stories.

Be safe,

Maddog Vinnie and the boyz are cooking some bacon and eggs as we speak, dialin in on the latest weather! Ready to rock after a late night of woopin with the boys from the legion to the Red dog with a drop in visit with Bags and the the boyz. Nice to see Bags and noggin hit it off tonight. That fish bc hat was loaded with 8/0 hooks all over for hali in Wolfs ride tommorow.

Hats off to Wolf and Kev, My Escape for the efforts throwing this turnout toghether. Any how, the diesel is warming up and the crew is ready to head to the Tailspin rig for a major derb showing on a radar run the the spot......
Great job Myescape,Wolf and anyone else who donated prizes and spent time making this event a success.I must admit maddog and i were a little hesitant too show at the meet and greet given some of the **** him and i along with my buddy bags have caused around here over the years.Thought it might get ugly but were we ever wrong!!!For those who care there have been several "VINCE GEE" characters as i started it years ago and lots of people know the password but this will be my last post as Vince dies as of now!!!The highlight of my night(ATTENTION BIGGEST !!!!)was when Kildonan ???? i believe asked me if i was "Joe.S" on here as well!!!!I was in tears laughing at this hilarious thought!!!So Joe SMITH dies tonight as well but remmember "WILD RIVERS WILD FISH !!!!It was also hilarious after years of friendly bantering on here and other forums when "ROE BAGS" finally came face too face with "IRONOGGIN" in the red lion peeler bar!!!!I also had the owner of wearing Matt's coveted and sought after "FISHBC" hat for a few brief but precious moments!!!Great Derby guys and see you all next year!!!

Just Bring it!
It was great! Good to meet everybody last night and good to get out and shake the cobwebs off the boat this am. We fished off Albert Head with about 12 other halibut boats and a few salmon trollers weaving around. Didn't see any halibut boated but saw a few springs brought in. Great day to be on the water.
Bags was face to face with Nog and all the boys, and they still don't know who he is?? I heard he has a picture from his cell with Nogs Fish-Bc hat. Sad to see Vince go. Bags report report...

Tournament Proven !
What a beauty of a day! Big thanks to Wolf, ME and all the guys who put in numerous hours to set this up. That was Awesome, that you could join us today Mamma. (DOOEY GOONED)
Last night will be a night to remember for sure. That was simply legendary when Bags popped in for an appearance. Maybe next time Iron Nogg will remember. Good turnout of boats and a great job for the Tailout and Tips up crew for There winnings and the only two derby fish today.

<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Edited by - maddog on 03/25/2006 19:20:04