FN0891-Recreational Halibut: All areas - Halibut Fishing Closure#8207;
Category(s): RECREATIONAL - Fin Fish (Other than Salmon)
Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Subject: FN0891-Recreational Halibut: All areas - Halibut Fishing Closure
Throughout the 2010 recreational halibut fishing season, the Department in conjunction with the Sport Fishing Advisory Board (SFAB) Halibut Working Group have reviewed in-season monthly catch estimates.
Catch information indicates that the recreational share of the Total Allowable Catch has been reached.
Therefore, recreational fishing for halibut will close effective 23:59hrs October 18, 2010 for the balance of the year.
2011 management actions will be developed throughout the fall and announcements will be made in early 2011.
Variation Order 2010-395 is in effect.
Contact: Tamee Mawani 604-666-9033 or Devona Adams 604-666-3271
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN0891
Sent October 6, 2010 at 09:40
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Complete and utter BS! From First-hand observance, the hit from Bamfield, Port and Ukee was down substantially right across the board this season! For the first season in my experience, a great many of the clients didn't even want to bother with the run out for a single fish each, preferring instead to Enjoy
The Madness that the salmon fishing was instead. And while the crew of guides did collect a few, our collective experience strongly points out that the numbers were
NO-WHERE</u> near those of the past several seasons.
A similar case many here are not likely aware of...
Area G Troll (WCVI) realizes a September opening based completely upon any "surplus" TAC left over once the recreational sector numbers have been tabulated for that particular season. Given DFO's stance towards Area g of late, it came as no surprise that the numbers were "tweaked" just enough to deny any such opening this fall. However, once the numbers provided by the Department were analyzed by outside investigators, a LOUD Cry went up both from the Area G representatives, as well as those representing the Recreational Sector. Were the numbers thus provided to be believed, it was readily apparent that EVERY SINGLE TRIP to the grounds had resulted in ALL</u> anglers FAR surpassing their legal catch numbers! Shocking! [:0]
When the cry began to wander towards Enforcement issues as a consequence, DFO immediately</u> changed those numbers (a fairly massive reduction actually) and announced an opening for Area G without sufficient time left in the month to prosecute it! So, in the end, by twisting the data to their own agenda, they did realize what their intent was - basically keeping Area G OFF the water. [V]
The reason I post that is there are direct parrelels between that little (sickening) scenario, and what is occurring with recreational halibut fishing. I did note that UNKNOWN (Rob) stated here he is prepared to take DFO to task over this new set of "spun" catch figures. I would like to amongst the first to note that if there is Anything I can do to help that along, please do feel free to count on me!
Methinks the time is long overdue we stood idly by while we are continuously lied to to our detriment! [}]