Halibut Poll # 2

I am at a loss... Who and hell needs 10 Halibut???? Get real guys. Any sport fisherman needing 10 halibut must need 30 chinooks and daily limits of every thing else. Peolpe that want 10 are taking away from a extended season for the rest of us and are not sportsmen.

As I see 45% of the people polled in this thread at this time are the sportsmens causing this issue for the rest of the fishermen. Are you commercial or selling/trading your sport caught fish?
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I am at a loss... Who and hell needs 10 Halibut???? Get real guys. Any sport fisherman needing 10 halibat must need 30 chinooks and daily limits of every thing else. Peolpe that want 10 are taking away from a extended season for the rest of us and are not sportsmen.

i could use ten a year no problem, dependant on size of course, if it was set at 5 then my 8 year old would reel in the 5 on his tag, or my wife on hers, or my daughter on hers and now i am being greedy,, so really set it where it needs to be and fish for what you need. i made it work this year because i had some good luck in the late season. luckily.
i could use ten a year no problem, dependant on size of course, if it was set at 5 then my 8 year old would reel in the 5 on his tag, or my wife on hers, or my daughter on hers and now i am being greedy,, so really set it where it needs to be and fish for what you need. i made it work this year because i had some good luck in the late season. luckily.

Ya and that would be 20 fish for one household..... Thats more then enough..NO?
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i could use ten a year no problem, dependant on size of course, if it was set at 5 then my 8 year old would reel in the 5 on his tag, or my wife on hers, or my daughter on hers and now i am being greedy,, so really set it where it needs to be and fish for what you need. i made it work this year because i had some good luck in the late season. luckily.

I think 5 is lots. i mean even you catch all chickens thats still 50-70 lbs of straight hali meat. enough fora meal every 2 weeks. PLus if you are actually catching your hally your re probably limiting on lings, rock fish, etc, and thos make some taste substitutes.

I'd vote five. I have three kids, wife and a mother in law to feed and i'm the only one with a saltwater lic..... In this date in time I'm extremely SHOCKED and UPSET that people want 10 halibut a year!!!!! If five isn't enough than I think one has to evaluate their footprint on this planet!!!! Can't one supplement with some other whitefish that isn't so threatened?? Or you want that too? All this worry and anger about what the commercials and FN are doing.... Lets clean up our side of the street before we throw stones at anyone. thanks to those taking time out to find a solution to this mayham!
Ya and that would be 20 fish for one household..... Thats more then enough..NO?

thats what i was getting at,, 5 or 10 per tag does not matter , what matters is getting enough for my family to eat while the season is closed. 20 in my house would be too much where as ten is around what is needed. not ten per license..that would be where greed takes over....
then vote for 5 , polls at the top of this page !!



I'd vote five. I have three kids, wife and a mother in law to feed and i'm the only one with a saltwater lic..... In this date in time I'm extremely SHOCKED and UPSET that people want 10 halibut a year!!!!! If five isn't enough than I think one has to evaluate their footprint on this planet!!!! Can't one supplement with some other whitefish that isn't so threatened?? Or you want that too? All this worry and anger about what the commercials and FN are doing.... Lets clean up our side of the street before we throw stones at anyone. thanks to those taking time out to find a solution to this mayham!
I'd vote five. I have three kids, wife and a mother in law to feed and i'm the only one with a saltwater lic..... In this date in time I'm extremely SHOCKED and UPSET that people want 10 halibut a year!!!!! If five isn't enough than I think one has to evaluate their footprint on this planet!!!! Can't one supplement with some other whitefish that isn't so threatened?? Or you want that too? All this worry and anger about what the commercials and FN are doing.... Lets clean up our side of the street before we throw stones at anyone. thanks to those taking time out to find a solution to this mayham!

Well put.....
hey bub,,, you should be more shocked and upset that your govt gave your fish away already. not that some one eats healthy and harvests it themselves.....halibut is NOT threatened... please read more before you over re-act.
I'm not shocked at anything the govt does... that's for another thread.... I figured someone was gonna call me out on calling them threatened.... To ME they are! To ME the whole coastal fishery is threatened..... but this thread is about a poll regarding halibut annual limits.... MY opinion is five... YOURS is ten....There is NOTHING I'm gonna read that is going to change my mind into thinking that a family needs 10. I'm all for living off the land and water!!! I wouldn't have it any other way!
Here is the number you should use... Not sure if they added any...
British Columbia (Area 2B)
The main personal use harvest in British Columbia is the catch by the First
Nations FSC fi shery. It is administered by a Communal License issued by DFO,
and has priority over all other fisheries in Canada. Overall, an estimated 405,000
pounds of halibut were caught in 2009, an estimate that has remained constant
since 2007.


You also need to have numbers for the under/over that was transferred.
Don't have those myself... but I do know we were over last year and it brought this years number down.
Just like it's going to do for 2013..... sad I know....

Thanks GLG, I knew the info was somewhere out there. And I did in fact forget about the over/under carry over from year to year, and that does infact have an impact upon the decisions around the length of season and catch limits.

In this past year (2012) we would have had even less than the 1,055,700 lbs that I had calculated earlier available to us, due to both the FN 405,000 lbs (because this as I understand it comes directly off of the top before anyone else), and the over/under carry over (for which DFO "determined" in 2011 that we over fished the Sport sector portion of the TAC - we may have been over or we may have been under, no one REALLY TRUELY knows for sure), either way you slice it we should have had less than the 1,055,700 lbs available to us to fish this last year, and this was to be divided amongst how many recreational Halibut anglers?????

It sure is hard to do math without a few known variables to work with, DFO sure seems to be able to do it though???

This is taken from the 2012 IPHC Anual Meeting Handout (the formatting is off as it was copy/pasted form a PDF document, but the info is all there)

British Columbia

DFO provided a preliminary 2011 sport catch estimate of 1.220 million pounds, which
exceeded the sport
fi shery allocation by 272,000 pounds (29%). The DFO estimates are from
mixed sources including over
fl ights, on-water vessels counts, lodge logbooks, and creel sampling
by DFO and the Haida Fisheries Program. Piece counts are available from lodge logbooks and
creel samples, but size composition data are limited, and lodge data are mostly (56%) self-reported
and unveri

fi ed.
DFO instituted several management restrictions on the sport
fi shery to constrain the harvest
to stay within the sport allocation and extend the season as long as possible. The management
restrictions were similar to those implemented in 2010, and included a reduction of the daily bag
limit from two to one halibut, a reduction in the possession limit from three-
fish to two, and a
prohibition on halibut retention in Area 121 seaward of 12 nmi (SW off Vancouver Island). The
season was the shortest on record, opening on March 1 and closing on September 5. In August,
DFO projected that the sport allocation would be reached before the usual December 31 season
closing date, so an early closure was not unexpected.

add 0 to one of the choices on the poll, because thats how many are going to be left when our grand children are our age. I am at the front lines doing fisheries research on the water. I also guide chartered boats for various companies along the coast but mainly Haida Gwaii. I can tell you that I have seen with my own eyes a steady decrease in fish populations in only 20 years of fishing. Our planet is over 4 Billion years old, it's unfortunate that as humans our greedy little minds do not have the capability to fathom that extent of time but if one could at least try, then maybe we would see the wrongs of our ways. I vote for 5, and I agree with what one reply already stated that the recreational fishery needs to lead the way in changing commercial industry financial based strategies.
add 0 to one of the choices on the poll, because thats how many are going to be left when our grand children are our age. I am at the front lines doing fisheries research on the water. I also guide chartered boats for various companies along the coast but mainly Haida Gwaii. I can tell you that I have seen with my own eyes a steady decrease in fish populations in only 20 years of fishing. Our planet is over 4 Billion years old, it's unfortunate that as humans our greedy little minds do not have the capability to fathom that extent of time but if one could at least try, then maybe we would see the wrongs of our ways. I vote for 5, and I agree with what one reply already stated that the recreational fishery needs to lead the way in changing commercial industry financial based strategies.

Maybe i'm off base here , but I find it somewhat hypocritical for a someone who is paid to catch fish for a living complaining that we are greedy ??
Not looking for an argument here but if thats how you feel, shouldn't you be in another line of work ?
I voted for 5.
Unless the Rec sector as a group comes up with some restrictions to keep more pounds of Hali in the water we WILL end up with 1/1 AND still a short season to boot.
Once we give something up we never get it back.

Would I like 10 plus...
That would be great but, I would rather have 5 or 4 annual limit and a season of 1/2 than 1/1.
Most Canadians ( 95% +) have to travel to fish hali. That means multi day trips and I would not like to see that majority of rec fisherman penalized because they cannot do day trips.

There are some tough choices coming for 2013 that is a reality, and it will be MORE restictive than last year.
the halibut fishery has been brought back from critically low levels in years long past; fished to very low levels by only a few commercial fishermen; iphc was formed and govtments established limits; unless they continue to do so it soon be at same low levels as in past; 300 thousand sportfishermen fighting over catch levels willnot solve this issue; its a conservation thing not allocation as some folks think;
This is just crap and this person has no ideal what he is talking about.
This has absolutely nothing to do with conservation, it has to do with allocation.

the halibut fishery has been brought back from critically low levels in years long past; fished to very low levels by only a few commercial fishermen; iphc was formed and govtments established limits; unless they continue to do so it soon be at same low levels as in past; 300 thousand sportfishermen fighting over catch levels willnot solve this issue; its a conservation thing not allocation as some folks think;
300 thousand sportfishermen fighting over catch levels willnot solve this issue; its a conservation thing not allocation as some folks think;[/QUOTE]

Yup ......pretty much crap in that statement...this is allocation issue not conservation as Old BlackDog has stated........ :)
300 thousand sportfishermen fighting over catch levels willnot solve this issue; its a conservation thing not allocation as some folks think;

Yup ......pretty much crap in that statement...this is allocation issue not conservation as Old BlackDog has stated........ :)
Until the 270,000 anglers learn to count and report it is definitely a conservation issue. 10lbs each 2.7 million.. With the number of unrestricted, unmonitored participants the rec sector has the ability to decimate stocks.

as for the polls good job fd on being proactive.
Dear Mr.Craven

yes you're off base. I am the one during guide meetings highlighting proper fishing etiiquette. I guide for a few weeks a year, so yes I am a hired gun but fishing for a few weeks doesn't provide me a living. And as far as greedy goes, I know all too well what happens out there so I dare anyone to deny it. My line of work provides boaters a lifeline when in need, and a voice for everything that lives in the sea.