Captain Kidd
On the front of my licence I'm restriced to 10 Lingcod annually in the Strait of Georgia, seems like that would work for hali too.
I chose 5 because that's all we need as a small family and even though I have the only license,that number works for us.I can see where a larger family would want more, however, I can also see where would be able to get more because more members of the family could hold licenses, so not sure why each member would need more than 5?.
Here is the number you should use... Not sure if they added any...J
Since I don't know what the First Nations were allocated by DFO, I can't lay out their numbers. Columbia (Area 2B)
The main personal use harvest in British Columbia is the catch by the First
Nations FSC fi shery. It is administered by a Communal License issued by DFO,
and has priority over all other fi sheries in Canada. Overall, an estimated 405,000
pounds of halibut were caught in 2009, an estimate that has remained constant
since 2007.
i wanna fish in ur boat GLG :
if you can go out 3 times , and get 6 fish guaranteed ,,,
i'll pay for the fuel and bait ; )
k lets make it 6 then , just in case...
Increased competition for a decreased food supply that does make sense why growth rates would slow. Anyone know how big a Bali has to be before it can spawn? Or how many years old