halibut on anchor chum

I learned this from a guide at Nootka. Fill your chum bag day before at fish cleaning tables. When you get to your Hali spot tie the bag about 10 feet up on your anchor line. Your boat will always drift down current of your anchor line. The scent trail will be under your boat. I usually wait 10 minutes or so whatever it takes to prepare tackle and bait rods. Never put it on your downrigger you are just asking for a huge tangle here with your lines. This is leagal I have checked. I have had great sucess with this. Just my opiion but the more bait and smell in the water the better the halibut and cod fishing. Good luck.
I can't think of a guide I know that does that. What happens is that unless you have a darn strong tide, your rig can be as much as 100 feet off to one side of the downstream end of your anchor. You get a bunch of halis staring at the anchor> Dogfish have a great sense of smell too..

I've done trials and found little difference. I think it's like walking through a food court at dinner time, all you smell is friend crap, trying to hone in on what you want is hard unless you see it. However, walkning up Hillside past the Fifth Street bar and grill and you're sure to smell the wood fired oven and nachos :)
18 lb ball with the rigger in the forward position. Chum with the same as your fishn with. Two rods out the back with up to two pound ball, dependant on current. Hit the rigger button first to bring it up when ya got a biter... Never had a foul this way.
I made a chum bucket out of 6" ABS with a cap and screw on lid, drilled 1/2" holes; overall length about 18"; hang it off the anchor chain where rope is attached; can keep the doggies upstream of the boat and the hali's seem to roam around looking for the scraps; on a good day we can have our limit within the rods hitting bottom; always gear up after anchor is set incase we don't sit where we want; but usually 1/2 hr before rods hit bottom, can be done fishing in 10 min; lots of doggie tooth marks in the ABS pipe; don't hook that many though as they can hit the pipe and knock the chunks out and continually feed and leave bottom lines alone. learned the set up from a guide in Tahsis; bullet proof chum bucket and seems to work; spent more time putting anchor down than we do fishing for Hali's most of the time!