Halibut in Quatsino Sound?

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North Island

Has anyone caught Halibut INSIDE Quatsino Sound? I hear about it from time to time, but seems real rare. I know the water is plenty deep enough, and I find it hard to believe that there is some invisible wall that keeps them from coming in. As one who suffers from sea sickness in even gentle swell, I just can't cope with going OUT to get the halibut. If anyone knows any "secret" spots on the inside, I promise I won't tell anyone! :D
Big halis 100lb plus are often on the inside,altho I am not familiar with Quatsino AS an exseiner I have often seen and caught halis in the skeena when they gave us a select fishery opening.The theory being that big fish need big feed IE;Salmon.
Check out any area that migrating salmon hang out in Bays into which salmon streams empty.
I know that Kingcome point in sept oct holds big halis eating pinks going home.
There has to be the like in Quatsino.
Last year, I went fishing in Quatsino Sound by myself. My partner cancelled out 6 hours before leaving. Before getting in Winter Harbor to set up camp, I stopped in the bay and tried fishing hoping to spend1/2 hour to try catching a small chicken. I used octopus for bait and went down to the bottom (about 100'). I never had a chance to jig once. A hali took the bait immediately. After what seemed like an eternity of armstrong reeling and fighting, the biggest hali I have ever seen finally reached the top. My harpoon was buried in the bow under all my camping gear, fishing gear and coolers full of ice. I panicked knowing that I couldn't get to it. I grabbed the gaff that was handy and thought that I could hoist it on board and hit it with a hammer that was handy. Forget it. The minute that I had the gaff in the fish, that S.O.B shook me from one end of my 19' boat to the other. I thought that it would pull me in the water. I was too heavy for me to do anything and it finally got off when I lost my balance trying not to go overboard. I don't know how heavy that fish was, but I am 6' tall, 250 lbs and I can lift my share of weight. In my defense, I was tired from reeling this fish up, but yet, I couldn't bring it in on board. Probably a blessing knowing the damage a big hali can do to a small boat or to a 250lbs idiot...
Well, there is the answer to your question. The thing that really brake my heart is knowing that I had the fish of a lifetime and the chances of hooking another one like this will probably never present itself again... Oh well, I'll keep trying anyway
By the way, I caught a lot of small halis trolling on the inside by the light house...