Inside the sound is a hit and miss Pennel ,mostly miss for guys that dont know the area ,,
you see a few guys on the hook , but scratchy , very inconsistent
better production by far , is off shore ,
there are a few hanging around the Whistlebuoy flats , as well as Tapaltos Bay ,
ive caught quite a few hali all around here a good starting point
Rocky Point Charters was hittin em last weekend just offshore , , so there around !!
ya dont need ta go to far , just look for humps and drop offs ,
definite learning curve in the area , if its white or glows , send it down ,
ive been lucky enough ta fish with Jeff ( Osama) several times early spring , with great success ,
March can be hot ,
last year quite a few fish were being caught trolling them up at 5-6-7 mile banks ,
smaller , but better chance of hookin up , May June July are usually best
these months the water tends ta lie down a little more consistently , little more enjoyable...
hope that helps ,
Trevor Channel , Surfline