Gratitude to the WOLF


Active Member
Finished reading messages re WOLF messages, to us all. Being a Sooke local I appreciate and look forward to his trip encounters. Not directed to locals only, I think we all are fortunate to have a local guide in our area who does take time to give us updates on the fishing. If he had the time I would look forward to weekly reports/updates all year. I am sure others would share my sentiments.

B Gibb
For the record. I moor my boat at the same marina as Wolf. I know he catches lots of fish and consequently he doesn't need to fabricate any of his fishing reports. Furthermore, I would state just the opposite and say that his posts are entirely factual. You can take his information to the bank. I am envious of his fishing successes. Judging by what I have been reading, I am not the only one.
For the record. I moor my boat at the same marina as Wolf. I know he catches lots of fish and consequently he doesn't need to fabricate any of his fishing reports. Furthermore, I would state just the opposite and say that his posts are entirely factual. You can take his information to the bank. I am envious of his fishing successes. Judging by what I have been reading, I am not the only one.
I think most people would have to agree I enjoy wolf's posts and he has helped me better understand quite a few things over the past year that have improved my abilities to catch fish...


I think most people would have to agree I enjoy wolf's posts and he has helped me better understand quite a few things over the past year that have improved my abilities to catch fish...


Hey guys thanks alot for the kind words !!!!!!!!!Just tring to figure out why newbie 22 and this reid guy (think there both the same people)want to come on here and attack people the only thing i can think is that there just jealous!!!!!!!!!!!
On a positive note I thank you all for your e-mails and thoughts I will keep telling you all that goes on off of sooke I leave for renny on wed. for a week up there ill post whats going on when i get back, again thanks to you all until then,
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! WOLF
Hey guys thanks alot for the kind words !!!!!!!!!Just tring to figure out why newbie 22 and this reid guy (think there both the same people)want to come on here and attack people the only thing i can think is that there just jealous!!!!!!!!!!!
On a positive note I thank you all for your e-mails and thoughts I will keep telling you all that goes on off of sooke I leave for renny on wed. for a week up there ill post whats going on when i get back, again thanks to you all until then,
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! WOLF
From my experience, this forum is quite civil. Sometimes there is a little mud slinging, but not too often. And I guess that is just part of life.

I am sorry it happens, but I am glad it prompted this thread to get started, because it gives me the opportunity to join the bandwagon.

I am sort of an expatriate. Or, one in the making, maybe I should say. I am a Yank who lives and fishes mainly in Oregon. But, for the last 20 years I have spent about a third of my time up around the island, from Barkley Sound down through the strait and up the inside to the north end.

This has never been kept a secret, and in spite of not being Canadian, I can say I have never been treated better or more openly, than by you guys, here on the forum.

Wolf in particular, has been very open and helpful. He has always responded to my questions with great information. In fact the last couple of trips up have been successful, largely because of his advice and suggestions.

This is a great time for me to say "Thank you", not only to Wolf, but Bags, TT, Tsquared and the rest of you who have taken the time to write directly, or to respond to me, on the forum.

I try to contribute something back, when the subject is something I feel confident in, like the threads on bait brining and building a smoker. But most of the time I am just on the sidelines, reading and learning.

Anyway, keep it up Wolf, your reports are great. Keep 'em comin'.

From my experience, this forum is quite civil. Sometimes there is a little mud slinging, but not too often. And I guess that is just part of life.

I am sorry it happens, but I am glad it prompted this thread to get started, because it gives me the opportunity to join the bandwagon.

I am sort of an expatriate. Or, one in the making, maybe I should say. I am a Yank who lives and fishes mainly in Oregon. But, for the last 20 years I have spent about a third of my time up around the island, from Barkley Sound down through the strait and up the inside to the north end.

This has never been kept a secret, and in spite of not being Canadian, I can say I have never been treated better or more openly, than by you guys, here on the forum.

Wolf in particular, has been very open and helpful. He has always responded to my questions with great information. In fact the last couple of trips up have been successful, largely because of his advice and suggestions.

This is a great time for me to say "Thank you", not only to Wolf, but Bags, TT, Tsquared and the rest of you who have taken the time to write directly, or to respond to me, on the forum.

I try to contribute something back, when the subject is something I feel confident in, like the threads on bait brining and building a smoker. But most of the time I am just on the sidelines, reading and learning.

Anyway, keep it up Wolf, your reports are great. Keep 'em comin'.

And I think we can thank Hugh Partridge (webmaster for this forum) for acting (quite quickly I must add) to concerns in regards to some posters..
Wolf, Wolf, your head getting swelled yet???
Good luck in the next week
Tight lines guys..hope to meet some of you sometime..
Oh and I like Americans too...bring lots of helps BC's economy....

And I think we can thank Hugh Partridge (webmaster for this forum) for acting (quite quickly I must add) to concerns in regards to some posters..
Wolf, Wolf, your head getting swelled yet???
Good luck in the next week
Tight lines guys..hope to meet some of you sometime..
Oh and I like Americans too...bring lots of helps BC's economy....

Tight lines guys..hope to meet some of you sometime..
Oh and I like Americans too...bring lots of helps BC's economy.... boc


Good one, Orca !!

They should have a Nexus Lane at the tax booth, so I can reclaim some of my money. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

Tight lines guys..hope to meet some of you sometime..
Oh and I like Americans too...bring lots of helps BC's economy.... boc


Good one, Orca !!

They should have a Nexus Lane at the tax booth, so I can reclaim some of my money. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

ya it's a real treat to get reports daily from many of the avid fishers- but extra thanx to wolf for his great sooke updates.
ya it's a real treat to get reports daily from many of the avid fishers- but extra thanx to wolf for his great sooke updates.