
Active Member
Looking at GPS units. Is a Garmin handheld model effecient enough for WCVI or do u need something larger? If so what models would be best. I have a limited price range.[|)]
A hand held will get you by, but if you're serious and plan on fishing when fog can be an issue(august,september) you really need a chart plotter.
they start about $600 and go up to ???
i started with a Garmin hand held which i still have as a backup.
If you have a handheld and a laptop, you can purchase some good software and charts and link the 2 together. A nice 14 inch screen is great to look around on and the GPS gives you your constant position on it.
Map Cruiser from Nav Sim is a great product and simple to use.
Cap'n is another.
NavTrek is a bit more complicated but it has a lot of extra features as well.
The hand helds have a very small screen that can be very hard to read if your running in the fog and choppy water.If yor fishing renfrew a lot you will encounter a lot of fog in the summer months.It is well worth it to spend a little more and get a chart plotter with a good size screen.Especialy if you plan to venture out to the banks.

Can the same be done with a dashmount GPS/sounder combo(Lowrance LMS480DF for instance)? Sure be nice to hook my laptop up and have a better screen. I checked the Lowrance website and found no mention of it. Or is it a specialty thing that's gotta be rigged up by a technical guru with lots of cables, splicing, cursing and confusion[V]. I guess it wouldn't be worth it for a better screen if I had a stroke trying to figure it out how to hook it up. :D

I use the Nobletec program on a laptop. It is a great program with bottom 3D, route planners etc, but spendy. Any of the programs you have to buy charts, and constant updates also cost you. So it is an investment, but I wouldn't go out without it It has gotten me out and back in the fog many times.
I use a lowrance H2O color with chart chip for the west coast.It works very well.I have used it in dense fog at nootka and barclay no problem.The gps is around $300 as is the chip..I went with a smaller unit so I could use it hunting as well.I got a nice 6x6 elk this fall.I got it when it was getting dark so I marked the kill site as a way point.worked great there too.
Yes your unit has the capability to send the information to the laptop. On the back of your unit looking at the back the cable on the right hand end is the NMEA 0183 DGPS cable as well as your power. It is 3 bundle of wires to make up a set of ten. There shoul be a bundle of 4 marked RS232 COMM
See attached link and look at the cable connection pdf.

At present where is this cable connected to on your boat? You will probably have to have someone solder a DB-9 connector to the wires or do it yourself. We can send you the pin layout quite easy only 3 pins to solder. Then you will need a Db-9 cable long enough to reach your laptop. Put software on your laptop and you are away.
Cool![8D] Looks like I got me another project! The NMEA cables are terminated right now, I thought they were just for the radio distress dealy that the coast guard monitors (I gotta push that button, I don't want to walk away from that wreck...dyin'd beat the a$$chewin' I'd get from momma![B)]...just joking, it's on the to do list)I'd appreciate that pin layout. You obviously work in the marine or electronic indusrty, any suggestions where to pick up the software? I've already got the Navionics (spelling??) chip for all of Vancouver Island, is it possible to just use the laptop screen as a display or is the software the thing that makes 'em talk to each other? Please send that layout to my email.

Thanks a bunch
hey while maybe not totally legal, is it possible to download the info and put it on a blank chip? Sorry if this is a total newb question, not sure how most gps work as I've always relied on a compass.

Upgrading soon though, with the new boat.
I'm sure there are technical wizards who could do such a thing, Poppa, but I'm sure not one of them[:p]. If you get a unit that takes the same chip as mine I don't mind sharing when it's just sitting on the shelf. I'm in Courtenay, so drop me a line if you're close by once you get yours. They are worth the bucks tho', I really appreciate having all the charts for the island.
From what I heard you cant copy them as soon as you try the original gets toasted as well so you might as well buy your own and then its yours maybe last chance can suggest something hes the comp. guru

As for a system the x-110 or the x- 111 or any other system with a big screen 10 inchs or bigger are very handy in the fog it is bright and clear trying to look at a little hand held (I did for years) is a real pain you have enough to worry about out there logs,boats etc and trying to look at a little tiny screen where you look at a huge screen quickly is way better.

Good luck Wolf
You say your nmea cable is connected to your radio. What make and model radio is it? It may be possible to just install a splitter.
That would allow it to remain connected to the radio and also to a laptop.
I just searched your previous posts and see you have a Uniden Solara. Where is your ACC cable terminated to now?

It's not connected yet, I just thought that was what the nmea cables were for. The cable is, at present, not in use. The radio is a Unicon (I think that's the name) and I have no idea what model is. A splitter would be a good idea for a future tie-in tho', thanks for the idea.

For now you will need a female DB-9 plug.
The RS232 cable from your sounder
The shield wire is connected to pin 5
The orange wire is connected to pin 2
The yellow wire to connected to pin 3
The blue wire is not used.
The link below shows you the layout of the DB-9

I should have asked about your laptop, I am hoping it is a couple of years old and it has a male DB-9 plug in on the back.
NavSim or Cap'n Mosiac or Nobletec make good programs that are easy to use. I am not sure if you can copy your charts from your chip to the laptop. You may have get another copy of charts. Then use one of the above programs to access them.
You can feed both the laptop and the DSC on the radio at the same time
Check with Navionics they will tell you if you can put the charts onto a computer.
Thanks Kiniana, I do have the DB-9 plug on my lap top. Hey Merrittboy, sorry for hi-jackin' your thread! We're done now tho'.
