Gorge Waterway Fishing or Shrimping(not herring)

  • Thread starter Thread starter maru487
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Has anyone ever tried fishing or shrimping in the gorge waterway near Tillicum Bridge? I went down to the dock and noticed some different species of smaller fish as well as a seal eating various things. Do the fish no longer travel up that far?
I suppose there is that aspect. I would think the daily tidal action would help clean it? Do the herring caught ever get eaten or do people just use them for bait?

What about the sportfishing side of it too?
quote:Originally posted by maru487

I suppose there is that aspect. I would think the daily tidal action would help clean it? Do the herring caught ever get eaten or do people just use them for ba it?

What about the sportfishing side of it too?

good luck catching a herring in the gorge, we used to catch herring by the buckets when we were kids, now very few are caught, its like the run is extinct. Besides the season for herring fishing on the Gorge is early spring March-April is when they suppose to come up to spawn.. last many years.. its not worth even fishing for herring on the gorge any more.. not many fish like it once was..

No one really fishes the Gorge for any thing any more... save your time your better off to go fish for trout at a lake than fish the Gorge...
I'v heard guys catching cutties before on the Gorge, one guy I new used to fish them below the Bay st. bridge. I remember once I got one on a herring jig! That was a long time ago when we were kids... If your into trout fishing... instead of fishing the Gorge.. I would go fish Elk lake instead.. way biger more agressive rainbow trout to 7 lbs. I used to fish it hard and catch rainbows as an average in the 3-5 lb. class. and the lake has a population of wild big cutties as well. These are very thick and wide rainbows, increbibly fed well, Elk lake has an amazing food supply, these trout are huge. The local lakes have more to offer than the Gorge..