Remember: Be careful of what you wish for.
An example of this is a lot of people want the Province to run it.
Well just look at how well they have done looking after Steelhead and Sea Run Cutthroat?
Look at the water rights on rivers in BC. Think the Province has done a good job there?
Politics are running it now and don’t expect that will change, regardless of who is in charge.
If Science was the only reason used as noted, then there would be no gill netting in any river that has Steelhead.
The commercial fishery and the SportsfIshery would be closed longer than it is now and in more places.
There would have to be evaluations of all rivers and lakes to ensure there was enough water for the fish to survive.
However, here we are and science was lobbied against by ALL groups. Yes the ENGO group did not say, FN must pull all their nets in the river.
So, it is shown that Science is great as long as it does not effect any group.