Good news for once

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Looks like our friends south of the border are finaly having some luck. just thought I would post this as most of these fish come through Canadian waters to get to the puget sound. Plus its always nice to hear some good news about salmon stocks.

Seattle Marine area 10 (taken from

This past week I have gotten very good reports from area 10.

First, the Elliott Bay opener was good with both kings and coho being caught. I did get a report about some very law-a-biding fishermen. Sunday they released kings and several coho as they had all their fins. I found out that they did not realize that the fin clipped retention is not in effect. Last week 5 net test fishery resulted in the best catch in history for the first fishery with 169 chinook caught. I had a report from a fisherman that stated he had his best day of fishing anywhere at Jefferson head with 5 kings released and a coho count in the high teens. Charters are having no problem in getting boat limits of coho trolling tide rips early in the morning using dodgers and trolling fast.

The best news is the SOCKEYE opener for Lake Washington Saturday, Sunday and Monday with a daily limit of 2. All of Lake Washington is to be open. I have been on the lake 2 days looking for the best concentrations and they are there