Good Day Fishin Today!


Active Member
Decided that after spending so much time getting the boat already for the season I was going out hell or highwater today. [:0] Launched about 9am from Pacific Playgrounds North of Courtenay, the wind was blowing a bit but figured it would ease like the weather channel on the VHF said. Boy were they wrong! :( Motored down to Kitty Coleman about a 10 mile run in 1 foot chop got to my spot and dropped the gear. Within 10 minutes fish on was a nice 7 to 8 pound winter chinook. Fabulous lets try again back down with the gear. Slowly but surely the the wind picked up more and more. Just as water started coming over the stern and was I preparing to pull the gear, fish on but not much of a fight so didn't pull up the other side. It turned out to be a nice sized red snapper. So dealt with that and was in the process of putting gear away when zzzzzzz fish on. :D This is great, by now the waves are getting quite big all I can think about is I need to get in now!!! This fiesty fish did not want to come to the boat so finally I had to horse it in. Nice 11 or 12 pounder. Pulled the gear and surfed the 4 to 5 foot waves mixed with chop towards the marina. I new it was low water by now and the mouth of the Oyster river was 5 foot deep going out, started my approach when 5-4-3- [:0] Motor off and up as I can hear the hull of my boat scrapping I jump out of the boat and fight the wind and waves and pull the boat over the hump at the mouth of the river til it was deep enough to jump back in. Started the motor and carefully motored into the marina. I got off the water just in time after loading the boat the tide changed and all I could see was NASTY water. What an adventure but I must say I don't think I would do it again with the wind blowing as hard as it was. ;)

Cheers ME
Cool story.Nice catch.How big was the snapper? did you keep it?
Kept the snapper as it's my wifes favorite she's already cooked it and is eating it as I type. It was about 5 pounds. I was fishing in 200 feet of water with 230 feet of downrigger cable out and cannon balls bouncing off bottom as I came down off the waves. I caught the snapper and the smaller chinook on a purple haze flasher 36" leader to a orange glow tiger prawn hootchie. The bigger chinook I caught on an e-chipped cop car flasher 6' leader to a 6" 602 spoon. Both lines 20 pulls of line to the clip. The natural voltage on the down riggers was @ .603 so didn't even use my black box.

p.s. Thanks CS once again your advice on where and what to use wins again.

Cheers ME
Yer killin' me up here Kev. [B)] Sounds like a great day, wet feet and all. Good info for next week, I'll give ya a call.

Hey Kev: Ihope the wife's not throwing out that collar behind the gills. That is the sweetest part of the snapper. eman
Atta Boy Kev! How to get out there in that wind and give the fish a run for their money! Just glad to here MyEscape is back in one piece. We were out Sunday with the opposite results, great weather calm seas and no fish. We were unable to get out early and as such we poked around for 3 hours in the afternoon and heard reports of good fishing in the am but nothing between the 10 boats out in the afternoon. Great day on the water though and we did hook into 1 ling and 2 rock cod but obvioulsy they went back. I've always believed in Kitty as a first light last light fishery or on a really good tide change and unfortunately we had none of those. As for the Pacific Playgrounds boat lauch you really have to watch that tide eh, that marina chabbel needs dredged again and that ramp aint the best on a low tide especially in my boat! Doh!! Well glad to hear of the good luck, we are planning another trip on Sunday weather permitting and hopefully we'll see you out there along with any other forum members! Oh and don;t you just hate that algae bloom on the line!

And you were wondering why I didn't join you!
Trees were moving and the forecast was for up to 35 kms winds.
I stayed dry, but I also didn't catch anything either.