go pro crabs

trap should be tied to main rope ,don't use carabener,those aluminum clips turn sideways and pull and the rope slips right out .maybe one with a lock, but the salt destroys the retention spring and they get stuck,foolish in my eyes.I use a bowline with clovehitch to main line, tape the end . 1 lost trap in your favorite hole is to much risk.
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trap should be tied to main rope ,don't use carabener,those aluminum clips turn sideways and pull and the rope slips right out .maybe one with a lock, but the salt destroys the retention spring and they get stuck,foolish in my eyes.I use a bowline with clovehitch to main line, tape the end . 1 lost trap in your favorite hole is to much risk.

You should provide Rod with this feedback, he the author and would probably appreciate your advice.
[video]https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=50&ved=0CDcQtwIwCTgo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffingtonpost.ca%2F2014%2F01 %2F08%2F-crab-fishing-video-nanaimo-go-pro_n_4563287.html&ei=M6HvVPaqE8etogSqqoLoAg&usg=AFQjCNE4iI1W27QVZC4bwLJ68HEEMyZXlw&sig2=VNdoziYWXo7rlQoHpTBriAgood info on what gose on on the bottom.again i find them not trapping right,no decomposing string holding escape ring.
I think I've shared this here before. Here's a video of my trap @ 100 feet starring many crabs, flounders (one nibbles at the go pro for a bit) and a ton of Surf Perch [TwjZUfOQRCk]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwjZUfOQRCk