Gelcoat gameplan?

Crappy. Yes, it is a bit of a catch 22 - when I want to do the work the weather is not conducive, and when the weather is right I want to be on the water. To that end, I am wondering how much time I can take between sanding/cutting/polishing steps and waxing? Like, if I go down one side cutting, sanding, filling etc. can I get all that done first, and then come back with the wax at the end? Or would leaving it unwaxed that long invite new stains and issues, in which case better to go a small section at a time and completely finish it? Maybe a quick spray wax in between as I finish a section, then do a final proper wax of the whole hull at the end? This assuming the boat is not going in the water during the process. My parking is covered from the rain except for just the very front of the bow poking out a bit.
I prefer to get all my grinding/sanding done all at once and then clean and wipe w/acetone.Mask,fill,sand.fill,sand,spray,wet sand w/320-400-600-800-1200-1500-2000,cut polish,wax.Wipe w/ acetone before sanding,you won't clog up the paper as fast.
The rain surprisingly didn't ruin my spray job,it's finished for now.
Quick update. Way more deep scratches that I thought. Sanding. So much sanding. I'm dumb/risk adverse so doing it by hand with a block. 220-400 for the deep scratches depending how deep, then working up in increments to 2000. Pretty much 3 days straight.

Followed by medium duty compound, polish, and wax. Invested in a rotary buffer and some good Presta pads. Should have the sides of the hull sanded, polished and waxed by end of week. Then the rains come so not sure how far I will make it anytime soon on the top side. Hope to get by with just a heavy compound, polish and wax (no sanding) on the top side - but its pretty oxidized so we'll see. There are more fittings and rigging to work around up top, and not sure how to go about dealing with the little nooks and crannies in the cockpit. Have not looked at filling chips and gouges, or colour matching. That will probably be in the spring. Learning lots along the way. It definitely doesn't look new, but looks a lot better than before I started.
Quick update. Way more deep scratches that I thought. Sanding. So much sanding. I'm dumb/risk adverse so doing it by hand with a block. 220-400 for the deep scratches depending how deep, then working up in increments to 2000. Pretty much 3 days straight.

Followed by medium duty compound, polish, and wax. Invested in a rotary buffer and some good Presta pads. Should have the sides of the hull sanded, polished and waxed by end of week. Then the rains come so not sure how far I will make it anytime soon on the top side. Hope to get by with just a heavy compound, polish and wax (no sanding) on the top side - but its pretty oxidized so we'll see. There are more fittings and rigging to work around up top, and not sure how to go about dealing with the little nooks and crannies in the cockpit. Have not looked at filling chips and gouges, or colour matching. That will probably be in the spring. Learning lots along the way. It definitely doesn't look new, but looks a lot better than before I started.
The more expensive the polishing compound the better it works. 3M is great but there are even better.