

Well-Known Member
Fuller has been one of my go to lakes since I started trout fishing. Last year was the first year I caught one of these.

I saw some schools on my sounder last summer/fall but the fishing held up and there were still some bugs making through to hatch. This summer/fall the population of these things has exploded. Everywhere I go my sounder is filled with these putrid trash fish and I only found the very odd bug made it to the surface to hatch.
The last couple of times out I caught my first trout from the lake that have looked skinny. Any other lake that I have fished with pumpkinseeds only kicks out small skinny trout. I am afraid Fuller is well on its way to becoming just another useless tiddler lake.
If you have a favourite lake that is free of transplanted invasive fish you better enjoy it because it is only a matter of time before the bucket brigade hits your lake too.
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That sucks. I haven't been to Fuller this year, but had good luck there off and on the few seasons before. It always produced larger trout for me than I would have expected from such an easily accessible lake. So "bucket brigade" being a new term for me, but assuming what you mean is people are planting these fish on purpose? I don't know why you'd want to do that, they are just a nuisance and not that much fun to catch anyway. Westwood is full of them too, which I assume you already know.
I fished Fuller a couple of times this spring - freakin hailed on me both times in may ..- but fishing was good , got a few nice size trout and lots of action , that’s too bad