Fuel Capacity Requirements for Tuna Trips

My 25' Carolina Classic holds 190 US Gallons of diesel, I have fished from JDF to Loudoun from Bamfield in all kinds of weather and never burn more than half of my capacity. in 2012 I fished Nitinat Canyon from Bamfield two days in a row without refueling due to no Diesel available. Weather was perfect but I came in with very little reserve on the second day. That was a bad call on my part and I got lucky. But I've got lots of fuel on board for a full day of tuna fishing in any of the Canyons I fish.

I agree with the thirds rule as well. Gives you lots of options in an emergency

That is the great thing about those diesels and a larger fuel tank. You have some pretty good range that won't break the bank :cool:.
Last September, 55 miles out, 5 hours of tuna trolling, 55 miles back. Boats weigh (running twin 115's) in at just under 7800lbs with fuel, gear, crew, and ice. Have 375 Lt tanks, used 315 Lt per boat (about $470 each ) :( Didn't have to go to the reserve tanks though, 5 other boats out with us, some in the 36' range, would hate to see their fuel bill:) Overall, very pleased with the new boats, awesome fishing platforms and great for tuna.


Boats 24ft with an approx 4800 plus pound dry weight running 2 150 optimax's I use big bank as my fuel gauge as boat fuel gauges seem to do mysterious things and I don't trust them. Tanks 130 gallons and I do 3 full days of fishing at Big Bank a full tank then fill it back up. Never found the bottom of the tank which is ideal LOL, but given big bank is approx 25 miles the opti's offer great milage. So if your rig is similar with similar power Tuna fishing would be a cake walk with lots of fuel left to burn.
Boats 24ft with an approx 4800 plus pound dry weight running 2 150 optimax's I use big bank as my fuel gauge as boat fuel gauges seem to do mysterious things and I don't trust them. Tanks 130 gallons and I do 3 full days of fishing at Big Bank a full tank then fill it back up. Never found the bottom of the tank which is ideal LOL, but given big bank is approx 25 miles the opti's offer great milage. So if your rig is similar with similar power Tuna fishing would be a cake walk with lots of fuel left to burn.

Keep in mind that you burn waay more fuel trolling for tuna than you do trolling for salmon.

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Northern Gateway has nothing on me...1000 litres, I got lots. Agree with the 1/3 rule, you need a wide margin of safety at all times. No one wants to come in on fumes unless you have a death wish.
No one wants to come in on fumes unless you have a death wish.

Or you have a buddy boat that is right with you but accidents usually have a previously know factor included in the chain of events.
I hear ya. Most aircraft accidents can be traced back to small errors that go unnoticed and eventually compound into an unrecoverable situation. Boating ain't any different. Thinking back on a few situations encountered in my boating career it's generally a brain fart that starts the chain of events in play.

I like the the ways guys are sharing their safety and planning ideas on this thread. Hope to hear a few more ideas to help all do the tuna gig safely together.
Such a screwed up country - gallons, US gallons, litres, miles, kilometres, pounds, kilograms - holy fug lol. I need a calculator to follow this thread.

That said, I'm going to try this next year with my 2010 6 meter Off Shore Thunder Jet, Alaskan bulkhead Chinook model boat. 180 litre tank on this thing with a 225 HP Yamaha four stroke, fully equipped.

We are going to go out on a few charters first to get the idea of this fishery. Also, I'm just trying to use metric as much as possible these days :)
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Such a screwed up country - gallons, US gallons, litres, miles, kilometres, pounds, kilograms - holy fug lol. I need a calculator to follow this thread.

That said, I'm going to try this next year with my 2010 6 meter Off Shore Thunder Jet, Alaskan bulkhead Chinook model boat. 180 litre tank on this thing with a 225 HP Yamaha four stroke, fully equipped.

We are going to go out on a few charters first to get the idea of this fishery. Also, I'm just trying to use metric as much as possible these days :)
With a 225HP engine on that boat, I'm guessing you get 3-4mpg at cruise. With only 180l (47.6U.S. gal), and 1/3 left in reserve that would put your usable range at about 32gals*(3-4mpg) = 96-128 miles. That's just barely enough to get out and back without trolling. So I think you'd need to either take it down to 6kts on the way out to conserve fuel or carry some extra fuel with you to make a tuna trip doable safely.
With a 225HP engine on that boat, I'm guessing you get 3-4mpg at cruise. With only 180l (47.6U.S. gal), and 1/3 left in reserve that would put your usable range at about 32gals*(3-4mpg) = 96-128 miles. That's just barely enough to get out and back without trolling. So I think you'd need to either take it down to 6kts on the way out to conserve fuel or carry some extra fuel with you to make a tuna trip doable safely.
I would need to carry fuel, which is not a huge deal for me.
I've always been curious about this, What are most guys using to pack extra fuel in, I've heard of some using a bladder type system
that lays on the floor?
my gulfstream with twin f150's carries 150 us gallons 100 gal main and 50 reserve and the sweet spot is approx 13-14 gph at 28-30mph (4100rpm) with good conditions and I think I'd be a little nervous running back in after a day out there,
I mean I can use 30-40 gallons a day just fishing Thrasher which is about a 20 mile run across the straight for me now,
I want to take the wife and kids on a few longer weekend trips this next summer and was wondering about extra fuel, and don't like the thought of packing a bunch of jerry cans
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Fuel Transfers: I would suspect that since the consequences of a fire due to a spill or vapour build up are so severe that you would have a protocol. Do you shut down everything including motors and power and ensure you bring proper funnels ect? An extra fire extinguisher? I think if I was doing it I would have a strict set of procedures. Do the folks using the fuel bladders tap them into the system?
I grew up on a lake front where over the years as a kid I have seen a handful of boats go up in flames. Inboard gas boats scare me. I won't own one. Too hard to fix too.
I have done the fuel transfer a couple times offshore while tuna fishing; everything is shut down; all gerry cans are brought onto deck prior to transfer and let everything air out a bit. I am lucky as I have a POD and makes for a good spot to stand while doing the transfer; Kicker is positioned in the right spot as well that I can rest the gerry can ontop of the cowling and stand in the boat if it is rough, I don't use a funnel as my fuel inlet is on an angle that I can put the spout in without spilling a drop or just putting my thumb over the spout. I carry the extra fuel as a safety priority and have not really needed it, but if there was an unforseen circumstance beyond my control and I was to need it, i have it. It also works as great ballast in the bow to counter act the weight of the coolers and ice on deck. If you don't balance out your weight you will have your boat ride stern heavy and burn extra fuel that way as well. Everybody that is new to this fishery will learn that with all the extra weight you are packing in ice, fuel, people and fish, it isn't as simple as saying, well my boat burns this when i go to big bank, that is what it will burn if I go 2 or 3 times that far for tuna, close but you better factor in the added weight of extra fuel, ice and fish. I figure I am packing an extra 500-600 pds for tuna vs salmon, and when you start loading your coolers up that weight will increase slightly even though you are losing fuel weight, you are still packing it on.

Any one new to this fishery should sit down with any of the seasoned vets and learn what is what; you can run out there with the mentality that they are only fish and if they are there you will catch them, you will catch them if you have the right gear and have done some homework, but it isn't that simple or it maybe, but there are lots of little things that you need to consider before making the run, not only for your own safety, but your crews and to have a good trip. I started researching this addiction more than a year before I actually went out tuna fishing, and I think it was well worth the research and talking with a few of the guys on here and looking at there set ups and what I really needed to take part safetly and catch fish. our first trip was a success for us and I am still learning about this fishery; if your new to it, talk with someone that has done it as they can help alot to keep you safe and catching these addicting fish!
Birdsnest, I think a lot of those bladders are designed to be tapped into the main fuel system. I would imagine a shut off tee valve similar to ones used for kickers would work good with some extra hose looped up that you could just hook up to the bladder. I hope Dak can give us some insight in how he uses his.

Good points about weight distribution TC. I still have a few things I need to work out in that department.
When transferring fuel has anyone tride the the siphon shaker transfer hose ????? I use mine on boat car geni atv. I never spill a drop . 6' hose with a marble stopper at one end.
put one end in your boat tank filler end & the other in your fuel jug . Then simply shake it 3-4 times and siphon begins . One of the best gift's I ever received. Thx Greedy !!!
They are around $15. & Harbour Chandler did carry them. On Ebay as well. They work real slick !! I think mine is made by Hopkins. That's what I will be using if need be. Hope this helps.
You can see this hose in action on you tube. Google siphon jiggle hose . No more gas breath again or scratches on your truck. Fuel your boat safe.
No spills if you shake fuel out of hose before removing out of jug. I hang my jug in tree to fuel truck with tie down when hunting. Shake the hose & filler up !! LoL
Getter Done !!! Slick
how do you stop the flow when the tank is full. With your thumb?