Frost bite derby

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A few ideas... Could you have both? Have a high quality camera that takes a good picture, have the computer software to immediately shrink the .jpg file to send wireless to the website for immediate viewing.. then at the end of the day have the original .jpg file uploaded for a better picture? Instead of pictures could you do small 5 second video clip? May be to large to send over the wireless net work.. Or have the camera set up to take a series of pictures? 3-4 pictures.. first picture gets uploaded automatically.. then at the end of the day you pick the best of the 4 pictures and up load the best picture to the website? Some of the pictures the guys have there back turned, some aren't even in the picture,walking away.. ect..
It's quite an amazing set up and concept, very impressive.
Thanks for your ideas. I really like your idea about using a high quality camera and scaling down the image then uploading the good quality image at the end of the day. I am going to look into this further and see what our options are as far as robust higher quality cameras go.

Unfortunately a small movie would make a much larger file and transfering it over the cellular network would cost us a pretty penny, but it sure would be neat if it was feasible. We also noticed that some of the guys werent too comfortable being in front of the camera so they chose to stand to the side, plus we would pick up anyone walking in the background since the terminal was located in such a busy area. All things we are doing our best to learn from for the future.

I should also say that we are in middle of discussions with a couple marinas where a Dockside Terminal would be situated permanently. In this case, uploading good quality photos at the end of the day unfortunately is not an option and instead would be geared more towards real-time uploading. For this reason we are doing our best to get the best bang for our buck and who knows, we may be able to make great improvements using smaller file sizes.

We will be out at Cheanuh Marina this weekend and we have already made some camera changes so we are hoping to have some better quality images for you to see. By all means, please let us know if you think we have made improvements once the new photos are posted.
all and all I think the idea and the technology is great, I think you should focus on marketing this to lodges and marinas as a very powerful marketing tool.

Imagine if I was considering what lodge to fly into and I could look online and see fish coming in all morning.

quote:OR photographs uploaded at the end of the day (via plugged-in connection) with great quality.

I like this better, but if that was the case why bother with the machine and not just have someone taking photos and uploading them at night. The beauty of the system is how it uploads automatically - I think you have the base of a real neat marketing tool for lodges, guides, marinas etc.
Thanks, we certainly are going to try our best to market this machine to lodges and marinas. I think it would be a great day when you could sit at home and watch fish get weighed-in during real-time all over the province. Thats our dream anyways.
Well the camera we are currently using is an outdoor USB cam with a wide angle lens. The images are fairly small which is why the quality is lower compared to regular digital cameras. Also when we set up the terminal this past weekend we had the sun light shining from behind the fish towards the camera. It should have been the other way around, which is why the photos appear quite dark. Definately something for us to learn from.