Frost bite derby

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I havent heard of it before. Hows about a little info.
The Frost Bite Derby is held at Esquimalt anglers club house at Flemming Beach boat launch. Fishing boundary Albert Head to Trial Island. We started this Derby 10 or so years ago. It was 5 boats amongst a few close friends. Our trophy was a piece of wood with a beer can nailed to it. I ended up winning it the very first year. From that first year the derby just grew! We went and got real Trophy's, every year the winning fish and fisher get there name engraved on it. The Esquimalt anglers club house can only hold about 200 people or so we limit the derby to that many people. The tickets sell out every year, we could sell 5X that if we wanted to. The derby is now run by 4 brothers that put the derby on every year. We have local sponsers, Trotac Marine ect.. we donate $500+ cash to Salmon enhancement. It's a really fun derby, at the end we have a little party in the Esq. Anglers club house, there's chillie and a bun and drinks. The prizes are awarded, 50/50 draw.. and most of all we all just have FUN! Fun little derby..
Just stay out of my way there Rock ok not like the last derby. because Paul and i are out to win LOL LOL well maybe!!!!!!!!!! sandwiches and heater are in the boat and maybe some bevies,See you down there and have fun

Good luck Wolf
Fins whatever that was paul I stayed quite sober had maybe 4 beers for the whole day. someone had to bring home betsy in one piece!!!!!!
LOL if your going to spread a rumor get it right please. thanks

Anyways the derby results

1st place which was $500 bucks plus the side bet $300 and a bottle of booze was won by Jim Gow 14 lbs

2nd place was an electric downrigger was won by Mike Webber 11.10 lbs

3rd place won by myself and Paul from trotac we won an electric downrigger 11.7 lbs

Then the next 4 to 15 fish were from 10.8 lbs to 9 lbs and a total of 38 fish caught last year there were 42 fish caught but way worse conditions today was nice and calm with a bit of a north wind

All it was a fun day with my good friend paul mooning and tricking everyone thinking we had fish on LOL LOL got a few guys.

quote:All it was a fun day with my good friend paul mooning and tricking everyone thinking we had fish on LOL LOL got a few guys.

hey wolf and paul what u gonna do with that new electric downrigger? i could be looking for one
It was a Great day on the water, lots of fun!
At the weigh in they had this high tech scale that takes a picture of you and your fish and takes the weight and data and processes it to its website. Apparently this thing goes around to all the fishing derby's in B.C and archives all the pictures and data. The guy there was briefly explaining it to me but I don't remember the web site. Does any one know the link? Please post. Thank you.
quote:Originally posted by TheRock

It was a Great day on the water, lots of fun!
At the weigh in they had this high tech scale that takes a picture of you and your fish and takes the weight and data and processes it to its website. Apparently this thing goes around to all the fishing derby's in B.C and archives all the pictures and data. The guy there was briefly explaining it to me but I don't remember the web site. Does any one know the link? Please post. Thank you.
The site is They have the photos posted there.
Thanks for the link. However some what disappointed with the quality of the pictures! You would think some thing high tech. as this new scale would have a better picture capabilities.. quite a let down.. he needs to upgrade that eye cam! get some real full size .jpgs going..
Hey Guys, I heard that there was a bit of a discussion going on here in regards to the Dockside Terminal so I thought I would sign up and elaborate a little bit or answer any questions that anyone may have.

To start off let me introduce myself, my name is Darcy and I was one of the guys that was with the terminal at the Esquimalt Anglers Club. We came up with this idea last year and the terminal that took those photographs is our very first prototype.

This past Saturday at the anglers club was actually our maiden voyage if you will. That was the very first time that we had ever used the terminal outside of our office and our goal was to prove that it worked in realtime and in an outdoor environment. We were confident that it would work, however with prototypes you can never be too sure, so we were very happy with our first outting.

Our goal now is to improve. I really appreciate everyones honesty in previous posts as this feedback is priceless for us. The problem that we face now is that we are limited in our photo quality since every photo is uploaded as soon as it is taken, via the cellular network. To transfer images over this network can be very expensive and thus we have tried limiting the size/quality of the image. Therefore it is somewhat of a trade off - live photographs with lesser quality OR photographs uploaded at the end of the day (via plugged-in connection) with great quality.

We thought that it would be really neat if folks could log in from work or home and watch as fish are being weighed in as it happens (Of course lesser quality photos). So..... I would like to pose a question to all of you. What would you rather see - Lesser quality photos uploaded in real time OR Great quality photos uploaded at the end of the day.

I should also note that we are testing different cameras trying to get the best bang for our buck, so the photo quality will improve somewhat however it will not be like a regular digital camera photograph. Any other comments or suggestions would be much appreciated.