Fraser River Closing to ALL Salmon


Well-Known Member
The official notice will be out tomorrow.
Fraser will be closed to ALL SALMON FISHING.
Political decision.
they have to protect the sockeye some how, guys wont stop flossing so close it totally, hopefully they ban flossing if and when they reopen it i heard the natives have agreed not to fish also
Ya right they will never stop .
I live in Pitt meadows and they said that before and still there were boats fishing and as well fish being taken out of the pitt meadows area to the tune of 4 - 6 totes a day . They have been fishing for months now
You would be fooling yourselves to think the "first nations" will stop selling fish for $$$ .
wake up and smell the fish guts!!. after all there is far too much money to be made by them .

When will we get to fish ?????????
you know whats funny we being non natives ***** about the natives selling their catch but im always talking to people (non natives)whom rant about the good deal they got from native down the road if they(the feds) cant stop them from selling the fish then make it illegal to buy it ,boycott native caught salmon
NEVER have I bought an 'on side of road' Salmon.

But you're correct. There needs to be a market for something to be sold.