Fishing with the Wolf!

Saltwater Cowboy

Active Member
Hey Wolf! I'll be trying my hand at Winter Spring fishing this Decmeber and January in the Victoria area. If your up for it I could use some friendly advice/company to help find the right spots to fish as well as to pick your brain about the Black Box. I usually fish the Comox Valley/Campbell River and Nootka Souns so I don't know much about the Victoria region. So I'm planning on breaking in the new Grady this Winter if your up for a little fishing? I have a few buddies who fish the area but they are pretty new to it as well and I don' think they will be of much help to me as they would have trouble catching a spring in their own bathtub!! haha I hope they don't read this! Let me know what you think. Thanks!

I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!