fishing sole/flounder from a boat

I find if I have,say, 6 flounders (two people fishing) in the cooler box, when they get home they all smell like iodine, even though they are on ice. The "iodine' smell is enough to make you chuck your biscuits.....

There is a way to fillet them so you get just fillets....(there is video on Youtube how to do it)....but my wife usually opts for the normal method of dressing them.

Flounders and Sole are big on the menu in Europe....not as much here.

I don't like the smell or the taste myself....

best depths to catch them for me are:- 50 to 120 ft over a sandy or muddy bottom or sand/gravel.

I use the smallest jig I can get away with that will still make it down there to the bottom without the current messing it up.

Just lower it down till it hits the sand and instead of yanking it up 4ft fast every 5 seconds......simply keep it down right near the sand and make it do the Aztec two-step for awhile/pause/ and then do it again.

Don't go very big on the hook...because they don't have that big a mouth.

I don't bother with baiting the hook....not necessary.....and I've caught hundreds of flounders this way.

Smearing an attractant like Smelly jelly or something similar on the jig works wonders.....

I often use herring oil......but you have to re-apply frequently.....

Flounders it seems aren't too fussy about the color of the jig opposed to some other bottom dwellers....
You've pretty well nailed it there Seafever. The smallest Zzingers and Buzzbombs work great. I like to save my clam necks when I steam clams. They are the best for flounders and there so tough you could catch 2 or 3 on the same bait.;) eman
thansk for all the info, before i posted this thread i all ready knew how to catch them floundys. but i just wanted to know about different ways to get them. also i was out last weekend and i got my limit witch is 8 per person per day and they were all bigger then a dinner plate.
Hey I was wondering if anyone knows a good place to get these things around the comox valley? I have a small boat and used to have a good area to fish them but have never been able to bring myself to eat them, due to the spot being concerning close to a sewer outfall. PM's would be greatly appreciated!
Do y'all know any places near oak bay that is possible to catch flounder/sole from shore? Also any tips on salmon from shore would be great too :)
I'd use the search function on this site to find some of the old shore fishing threads. Read em then post any other questions in there.

You need to find a sand bar you can cast to for sole/flounder and cast buzz bombs for salmon off any point with a decent drop off. Beachy head, otter point, the breakwall and ten mile point are all talked about as salmon spots.

Make sure you can identify a spring salmon vs. coho salmon all wild coho must be released and they are a likely target from now through the end of October.