Fishing seems so far away

  • Thread starter Thread starter blueorca
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Hello for the great white north.

Been thinking that the season is too far in the future these last couple weeks.
Stuck up in Northern Alberia, minus 22 yesterday and more snow coming later today......
Good work but I sure do miss the Island right now.
Can't wait to get home and do some prawning soon.
Life at the camp, is like one big fat is way too good.
Finally got sat. internet yesterday, so lfe ain't that bad.
Where abouts are you?Put my time in up there,NO MORE OF THAT.I couldnt wait to get back to the coast.The only thing that kept me going was knowing i was going sockeye fishing.Cheers,DAN
Hey blue,,, good to hear from you,,,I know what you mean we are getting the bug big time.. beak and I were just talkig about you this morning,, the Nice Fish episode with you ang Gary was on this weekend and we caught it,, we are really starting to get ancy to head out west...
What part of northern A.B are you in,, and what are you doing ??? I live up in Lac La Biche and if you are anywheres near and get some time to spare I would be glad to show you some of the best hard water Walleye and Pike fishing you will ever exprience.. I am on spring break allready and do not much else but fish this time of year... All you need to bring is youreself,,, leave the rest up to me...
I'm on the other side of the province, 178 kms south west of Grande Prairie. Nothing but trees, moose, the odd cariboo and lots of spruce grouse.
Working as a paramedic for a gas rig until spring break-up.
Good money but my boat is calling for me (and the family too).
Good to see that the Nice Fish show gets your was a blast to do the shoot with Gary and his camerman Jeremy.
(still snowing with another 3 inch's to come today, but at least it's warm (-10))
When do you plan on coming out from HELL blue may have a day for you to come and chase some fish!!!!!!!

Oh she's not that bad of a place to live,,, I woudn't call it hell.. I would rather have 3 feet of snow than 3 feet of rain and clouds all winter,, and the cold weather keeps all the hippie freaks out on the west coast for you guy's to deal with :) :).. We have some of the best fishing in the country out my back door and the west coast is only 14hrs away,,, not that bad...
I was out there for the last week of november hunting and I will say it was hell -34 and wind chill of -51 frost bit my finger tips cleaning deer, here on the coast we dont have to shovel 3 ft of snow ok maybe in 96 but thats it we have the flowers all blooming now so ill call it that place hell ok LOL LOL and for me fishing is olnly 10 mins away ,,,,,, REALLY not that bad

There are other species of fish in this country other than Salmon and HaIis wolf,,, I to have fishing 10 min from my house... But I do enjoy coming out west it is a very nice place to visit and spend time but for me to live there I don't think so,,, those long rainy days you guys put up with out there I just don't see how you do it,,, Oh well to each his own I guess..
And the steady oil money is hard to leave...
Thats right it rains here every single day here so just make sure you stay there LOL:):):):) and make sure you tell all your friends the same!!!!!!!!ill never leave here this is truly gods country in my eyes and your eyes for there it is the same different needs for different people ill take our weather any day over that cold back there we dont need to shovel the rain away. sorry I have fished back there and got every type of fish!!!!!! there is nothing better than a 25 lb spring or a 50 lb halibut fighting on your fishing rod.sorry a true west coast boy through and through!!!!!!

Yeah,it's real hell living on the Wet Coast. That's why nobody wants to come here, especially Albertans. ;)
I should be back home in a week or so, Wolf, I'll drop you a PM when I get back.
I've been on the Island for 20 years, but I do miss the snow and sunshine in the winter.
Getting my fix big time. Minus 1 right now and it will be in the plus double digits by weeks end. Spring break up is just about here and everyone has had enough of the white stuff up here.
Seeing my first cariboo was neat! I never every thought that there were herds this far south.
Truly a great area for the outdoors person. Just no enough salt in the waterways here.
My job up here reminds me of sailing. Many hours of calmness and peace intermixed with periods of shear terror. Well maybe without the terror part:D
(Thats right it rains here every single day here so just make sure you stay there LOL and make sure you tell all your friends the same!!!!!)

Not a smart thing to say wolf, for someone who is in the lodge and guideing buisness,, I'll make sure and remind all the people I talk to and ask about guides out west about youre attitude !!!!

Anyways sorry for highjacking you're thread blue,,, hang in there bud,,, break up should be just around the corner out there for you guys... Mayebe we will meet for beers when we are out in Camble this summer,, we are still planning on being there from the 13 - 23 of Aug....
We are planning a stag trip to either Tahsis or Sooke in early June depending on where there is a decent run on,,, way to many days between now and then,,, the only thing that keeps me sane is the fishing we do out here... The wife and I are coming out to the Victoria boat show next month we are looking forward to it,,, mayebe I will catch some of you guys out there..
well lets put it this way - Nobody is driving 14hrs to go fishing in Alberta, but 1000's will drive that far to come fishing here - thats gotta mean something ;)

quote:ill never leave here this is truly gods country

You said it, I've been to over 20 countries and none of them can compare with what this island has to offer.
Hey Blueorca, never did get in touch with you since that dinner in Courtenay, sorry, my bad. Looks like we're neighbors up here, too. I'm working south of Rainbow Lake in the Fontas area. Have to agree the weather has been less then pleasant recently, but we're in for a warm spell starting Thursday. Figures, I'm leaving on Thursday for two weeks home on the Island...but the weekend doesn't look too bad down there. Might see you on the water.

I'll be sending you an e-mail today.

Correct me if I'm wroung r.s. but the Vic floating boat show starts April 19, unless I am reading the web site wrong,,, hope not.

And actually allot of people drive and fly many hrs to come fishing in Alberta. I would say we rival the west coast for that.. We have some of the finest Cutthroat, Brown, Rainbow and Brook trout fishing on our western slopes, it is actually world renowned.. The area I live in is well known for its fishing and hunting. There are 60 lakes within a 1hr drive of town and many streams. Within an hr I have Walleye, which is one of the finest eating fish there is to be had. Pike to the 20# range, Perch, Whitefish, Burbot, Grayling, Rainbows,, and 45min drive to one of the finnest Lake trout lakes with lake trout caught anually in the 20 - 30# range...
People do drive out west as I do to fish annually because we do love the west coast fishing as much for the change as the fish themselves... I love all fishing whether it be flippng a fly for 2# Grayling or trolling cut plugs for 40# west coast Chinook, or trolling spoons for 20# Lakers, or being ever so sensitive with a jig and minnow trying for the ever so sly Walleye.. They all have their allure and I look forward to one as much as the other...
I think we can all agree on one thing,, and that is we live in one hell of a country with so much to offer it is a shame for anyone to cheat themselves out of any of the experiences it has to offer... The offer I made to blueorca stands for anyone if you ever find you're selves in my area drop me a PM if I'm not working I'm fishing for something and would love to show anyone some of the finest fishing there is to be had..
I have a range of boats from 12' with a custom built boat trailer for behind the quads for getting to some of our rarely fished back woods lakes, to a 16' open Walleye boat for some of the larger Pike and Walleye lakes to a 20' rigged with all the goodies for lakers and west caost fishing.. You see when you are a fishaholic you need to experience it all,, and you enjoy it all. There are things to be learned from all species of fish that can be applied to each individual species,, it just makes you a better fisherman..
And yes you guys do live in a beutifull part of the country it is unique and I love it and look forward to heading out for a visit a couple times a year and plan to semi retire there for a couple months of the year in the next few years but I will allways call Alberta home,, it just has to much to offer to leave behind...
Scooter...That's what a good Uki' dinner will do to ya...
I just got word that they will be shutting all the roads down (probably) on monday the 26th...which means I should be home the 27th (most likely).
Zero degrees right now but plus in the double digits thursday and friday.
Mud-city here we come. With over two feet of snow on the ground and no frost underneath it, could be a long muddy breakup this year.
As for being here in Alberta, I was born and raised here (actually just north of cow town) and have enjoyed the snow on cold weather but home is were the heart is. They'll be taking me out feet first from Black Creek.
Just too bad that there are so few good paying jobs there.
I see that the TILMA agreement is set to go in effect April 1st. Could improve access to a whole slough of professions.

I's funning though, no matter where I travel, this old world is really quite small....two rig hands on my site are from Courtenay and one I played hockey against. Too small.
Walleyes....I will give you a PM if I'm ever out that just never know where I'll be heading.