Fishing Plugs

Thanks for sharing your secrets Mako. But why the funky swivel? Why not just clip right to your braid or wire?

The swivel rotates 360 degrees in the horizontal plane. And 360 degrees in the axis of the release clip likne. Puts no stress or clamping force on the braid or wire.

Old Commercial trolling secret from a long, long time ago. The boat I fished on clipped on a 6 foot length of 100 pound leader to this swivel, and had a large spoon on the other end. Sort of like a "Cheater". Remember on a commercial boat we did not use release clips, everything is solid. So we were running the cheater spoon 6 feet behind and 5 feet above the cannon ball. Caught a lot of big kings on this setup and halibut also. I just scaled the concept down a little for my downrigger fishing, works very well.


Made from large three ways:


If you are using markers on your downrigger braid or wire, and use one of those bent wire commercial style snaps to snap on the release arrangement, guess what, you eventually will lose a cannon ball.
QUOTE="Stoisy, post: 790689, member: 4382"]Doesn't the snap on the end of the release clip get jammed in your downrigger.... Looks like it wouldn't pass through the boom guide?[/QUOTE]

The cannon ball stays in the water. No snaps get close to the pulley. I grab the release clip line with my halibut measuring stick, it has a 1 inch gap hook on the end made from 3/16" stainless steel rod. This is why I use the 6 foot release clip line: I can pull the release clip inside the gunnel to re attach the fishing line, no leaning over the side of the boat!

The downriggers are programmed to auto stop on retreive with the funky 3 way swivel three feet below the pulley.
Sorry maybe i missed it ... from your main line down do you put a beed swivel then from the beed swivel down to the plug how long of a leader .

Thanks !
20 feet of 60 pound top shot spliced to the main. The 60 pound top shot tied to the plug. Sometimes I will tie a small ball bearing swivel to the end of the top shot, then a 6 foot or so leader to the plug.
The multi purpose halibut measuring stick:

Use it to:

Measure halibut

grab the release clip line

as a dehooker

grab the crab pot float line




Started out as a push broom handle.
interesting looks ok, looks like you leave a lot of cannon ball in the water. i like mine out or just at the waterline.
One of the fellows that works at PNT collaborates with Tomic and other companies to create and market tackle. His initials are RVP. I have an RVP2 #118 I think it says- tubby that works well green/yellow gold insert white bottom
Tomic will make plugs to your specs. I just ordered 20 UVBii plugs in different patterns. 7 inch plug w/o hook is $15 (reflects 10% quantity discount). You can order 1- whatever. With a $150+ order shipping is free. If you get a plug that is a "standard glow plug" (like the 600 series) with a UV body, the glow portion will be a stripe of white glow paint on the bottom. One of the colors i ordered is a 512 UVBiiG with a green stripe about eye level. The 512 is a "Cop Car" & this pattern first appeared on Coyote spoons several years back. It works well. They then came out with a cop car with a green stripe between the back & white called a "Super Trooper" that works even better.

My wife collects shoes, I collect fishing lures. My Dad & Granddad both worked in a shipyard in Ballard that does Commercial fishing boats. Back in the 50's when I was 8 or so we would go on all the boats - I was really impressed with the trollers & all the lures hanging-up FYI Pacific Fishermen is the home of the Wizard & Northwestern.
Found some old photos ,can anyone locate where the fishers are? last photo is a differant fish.both fish on white plugs201_0171.JPG 201_0173.JPG 201_0175.JPG 201_0175.JPG 201_0180.JPG
The mountains in the background of the first photo ar not campbell river ,mountains look more like beufort range behind royston or union bay.might even be french creek
Tomics are on Sale, select colors at wholesale sports Langley. 6" $7.99 5" $7.49.

Picked up 5" tubby 158 and 6" tubby 500 and 600G
Ah shoot.... Now I am going to spend more money when I go there this week. Thanks! ;)

Tried about 4 different plugs this weekend trolling at +/- 3 mph SOG depending on current, after I was getting a lot of undersize (but not shaker sized) fish. I think I may have had a bite on one, not sure. I know I dragged around some weeds on one for a decent amount of time... lol . One tubby 6" UVbii, regular 6" pin pulled, 5" regular with speed ring, and pin pulled. NADA. Andrew P spoon and bait? lots of action! (Disclaimer: I did try the plugs when it died down)
With the sheer numbers of old Tomics around on the coast, and the way they repaint, they are rapidly becoming an affordable lure. Currently in town, Tomics are $5 a piece freshly painted.. Compared to a teaser head at $3.50..

Is that 5.00$ to get painted? So 5 to buy the used tomic then 5 for the paint. So 10.00$ ea? They retail at or around 14-15 ea. So still good deal.