I'm met lots of folks through various internet forums over the years, majority pretty good folks. The secret, if there is any. is expectation setting which usually means a very high level of honesty... Right off the bat, how much money are we talking? Do you want someone to come with you for company, help and safety? or do you want someone to split your costs for the day, 2 very different things! Drinking or no drinking? Food, bait, launch fees????
Most of us on here share a similar interest, some have nicer rigs then others, some have greater means then others, what tends to sour things outside of direct personality clash is not being on the same page with expectations, this can come from either side and usually comes down to $$.
Scenario A
Your boat, you bring a newbie out, shows up, decent guy, fish all day, goes home happy with some fish, never reached for his wallet all day and your pissed
Scenario B
Your boat, you bring a newbie out, shows up, decent guy, you stop at the fuel dock a top off and ask your new buddy to pay the bill, you stop for lunch and have him pick up the tab, you figure he goes home happy with some fish, you never reached for you wallet all day as its your rig, He's pissed that he paid the whole way and probably is in do do with his wife for spending way beyond his means.
Both sides of the equation can be happy or upset...
Better system and easier on the nameless faceless internet
Hey going fishing on Monday looking for a partner...
We'll leave point X at this time, and be back at this time approximately, you pay for bait, coffee and XX$$ towards the fuel bill. We'll brown bag for food and I don't drink when fishing, send me a PM by noon tomorrow and I'll respond...
Now you get the PM....
Reply with....My boat is a ________ with _________ so bring _______, most days we get ___________. I have all the gear if we loose something i'd appreciate a few $$ or don't worry about it.....or bring your stuff if you want.....
My typical fuel bill is $___ I'm looking to split the cost, or Could you bring $XX towards fuel, or just looking for company, don't worry about the fuel but bring me a Coffee and doughnut.
Have you been open water fishing before? Do you get sea sick? Are you an axe murderer?
Generally speaking, a high level of honesty makes for a much better day on the water as each person knows where they stand, and getting the $$ figured out before buddy shows up stops lots of awkward silence and hurt feelings. Remember it's just as hard for the guy who loves to fish who can't afford a proper rig to ask/figure out what a proper contribution is, as it is for the guy who has the rig....
Very best,