Fish it, ditch it, or pitch it?

It's time to play everyone's favourite new game... Fish it, Ditch it, or Pitch it. I'm referring to some old tackle that's been passed down, some still in original packaging. I want to know if I should fish it (at some point in the future), ditch it, as in it's now garbage, or pitch it as in sell it cause the world has gone crazy and it's now worth something (probably not much). Feel free to play along with your own stuff, and to share if something is of interest to you or if you have any tidbits as to how to fish.

First up is this Super Strip Teaser by Rhys Davis. It's too bad there are no dates on here, but I'm thinking 1970s. In original packaging. Priced at $1.77 and appears to be from Canadian Tire. Looks like a modern teaser head but intended for herring strip. Actually have 2 in package, and found a couple more in the box in well used condition
I fished these a lot this summer and hammered nice fish!!
This sounds fun, though we’re going to need to see some results! I’ve got a bunch of those old strip teasers as well, @SpringVelocity is there much difference to fishing whole herring other then a slightly different action, and you would get 2 strips per herring?
Those strip heads fit the fake strip called Mc Rocket out of the great lakes-trenton ont. I fish them with a little smelly jelly or anchovie scent-excellent results this time of year-in fact tied one up to fish tomorrow
4 old reels from the box...almost feel like things I should polish up and put on a shelf, or ditch...not sure I would fish them, other than the moocher. Also 3 are left handed, which I am not.
I reel spinning reels with my left and moochers with my right.
Those strip heads fit the fake strip called Mc Rocket out of the great lakes-trenton ont. I fish them with a little smelly jelly or anchovie scent-excellent results this time of year-in fact tied one up to fish tomorrow
No kidding, I may need to pick up a few of the fakies… most of the time I prefer not to mess around with bait, however always have a little pro-cure handy.
This sounds fun, though we’re going to need to see some results! I’ve got a bunch of those old strip teasers as well, @SpringVelocity is there much difference to fishing whole herring other then a slightly different action, and you would get 2 strips per herring?

The strip is faster action. I always proffered them with that side to side motion of dodger.
The bottom tool is a fishing hook disgorger!! ;)
Okay, when I first saw this response, especially with the wink, I thought you were joking...then I you-tubed's a thing! And others apparently know about this disgorging tool as well. Learned into the tackle box it goes! Thanks!
4 old reels from the box...almost feel like things I should polish up and put on a shelf, or ditch...not sure I would fish them, other than the moocher. Also 3 are left handed, which I am not.
Is the enclosed one a zebco reel? are the open face ones mitchell reels? Mitchell reels get a pretty good price on ebay. On spinning reels if you are right handed, you cast with the right arm and reel with the left hand.
Is the enclosed one a zebco reel? are the open face ones mitchell reels? Mitchell reels get a pretty good price on ebay. On spinning reels if you are right handed, you cast with the right arm and reel with the left hand.
Correct on the Zebco, but the other ones are a Fjord (the black one) and Daiwa. And gotcha on the sides...I was thinking about my salmon fishing, I can in fact use these as they all seem to work. New line and put on a rod...