Fish Farms

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Agreed it's pointless whether or not Almo posted the pics or not - there's not a "lice fairy" putting lice on those fish - other than FFs (likely).

You dont no of any other way salmon can get sea lice on them other then from fish farms?
Atlantic salmon farm employees are required by regulation to examine their fish every two weeks, at a minimum, for regular sea lice counts during March 1 to June 30, to coincide with Out Migration of wild salmon. If those counts show an average of three motile lice per fish, companies are required to take action to reduce the absolute lice count over subsequent weeks. This means either treating the fish (see “Treatments”) or removing them, if a harvest is planned.

When exceeding the three-motile abundance, numbers and the planned management response must be reported to DFO within 7 days.
What they are required to and actually do do is issue. They do what they want to maximize their profit and a fine is just part of doing business and probably also tax deductible. If the kill a few hundred Lobsters so be it. Disgusting.
Well, you can bet that swim in the container will help them also. I agree, fish sampled like that are dead fish.
What are your thoughts on similar smolts with the same load of sea lice not swimming in a container? Live or Die?
more distraction, terrin.

From what and who 99% of the members on this site want fish farms gone so they can bonk more salmon.

Guess what nothing you can say or do will change the fact that First Nations are now incharge of salmon farms. The NDP and i suspect with fed Liberal backing since they were meeting a lot about this file before the NDP announcement said First Nations are now incharge.

Some fish farms will be leaving and some will be staying that has been made abundantly clear from our elected officials.
oh me oh my whats dis??

PRV not a salmon killer in B.C.: study

Meanwhile, a scientific literature review by BC Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences (BCCAHS) – an independent lab – and the University of British Columbia also challenges the theory that PRV causes disease in salmon in B.C.

It concludes that PRV might not only be endemic to this province – possibly predating the arrival of fish farms – but also benign, at least in B.C.

“By all accounts, PRV in B.C. acts in a benign fashion,” it states.

“It’s really an innocuous virus,” said Hugh Mitchell, a veterinarian with AquaTactics Fish Health in Washington. “It very rarely causes disease … and when it does, it is always in association with something else. It is complex, and that is why statements and conclusions of untrained activists or pigeon-holed researchers in a lab do an incredible disservice.”
oh me oh my whats dis??

PRV not a salmon killer in B.C.: study

Meanwhile, a scientific literature review by BC Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences (BCCAHS) – an independent lab – and the University of British Columbia also challenges the theory that PRV causes disease in salmon in B.C.

It concludes that PRV might not only be endemic to this province – possibly predating the arrival of fish farms – but also benign, at least in B.C.

“By all accounts, PRV in B.C. acts in a benign fashion,” it states.

“It’s really an innocuous virus,” said Hugh Mitchell, a veterinarian with AquaTactics Fish Health in Washington. “It very rarely causes disease … and when it does, it is always in association with something else. It is complex, and that is why statements and conclusions of untrained activists or pigeon-holed researchers in a lab do an incredible disservice.”
This BIV article also contains this statement;
"The BCCAHS study was produced for the B.C. Ministry of Environment to address concerns about effluent from fish farm processing plants. The ministry received it at the end of March, but the study was not mentioned when the government released an audit of fish processing plants two weeks ago.
It’s a puzzling omission, given that the audit was triggered by concerns that farmed fish processing plants might be pumping PRV into the ocean."
This is not true. The study was put up on the MOE website at the same time as the audit results were released. It remains there today. See Related Links here;
Regardless fish farms are here to stay in Port Hardy. Far to integrated into some first nations communities to ever see thoes farms leave our coast.

This subject is pointless now, Anyone hear planning on attacking farms that the first nations like???
Could it be that those confidential agreements with first nations are cutting into the bottom line?
Or maybe the poor EBIT in Canada is a result of all the lawyers fees to get those injunctions?
The 1st one in FIs #712 post look like chum that managed to loose a few adult/motile lice - that look like leps (Caligus often have a pink sheen). Could be anywhere in BC where juvie chum managed to find leps - from adult fish - likely near FFs. Doesn't narrow it much - or matter much. They're dead fish swimming..
they could anything, the could be just smolts from a farm not even wild salmon...... when will everyone start studying wild salmon? do smolts even swim past the farm to contract lice? its been proven that smolts increase its speed through the say farms are killing wild salmon but.....then you post a study on farms. how many smolts/adults are dying from the problems you accuse the farms of doing?
I expect that is but a rhetorical question after all the posts on all the threads concerning this topic.
actually the science paper you posted few years back said that lice counts are higher in areas in the broughton that are devoid of farms and have never had farms in them ever. so maybe just maybe wild smolts are getting lice from.......
We already had this debate before Birdie - where you misquoted Kristi terribly. Hard to believe you still expect people to fall for this. Nice try!
Ive never quoted KM on sea lice. If I did please show me.
Did you guys even get permission from First Nations to see if you can talk about this subject in public? you should probably do that first'

New Fisheries Minister looks like hes Anti Fish Farms
in this case I am not quoting here. I am simply showing what she has to say about sea lice. If you think she's lying just say so.
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