Fish farms suing Fisheries ministers for Discovery Island closures

Let's hope the greedy multi-nationals that stubbornly continue to push a unsustainable and environmentally dangerous industry LOSE this case!!! They should save their money and move their feedlot operations onto land where they have less negative environmental impact!
If you can't "dazzle then with brilliance", nor "baffle them with BS" (no longer) - then "hire the lawyers"!

Gotta keep those shareholders from bailing.

I think this one is a lost cause though in court - when one reviews the case law over the Ministers Rights and responsibilities and licence holders.

These multinationals seem to think they own the waters - which they don't. We do - the public does.

They have become too used to getting free real estate and up until now - not had anyone say no to them. They knew this end was coming back in the days of the Cohen Commission too - years ago - and they figured they'd continue business as usual until they couldn't - until now. That day has finally arrived and it's all over but the crying and the lawyers billing.
they are suing for damages and i don't think that has ever worked for the commercial fishing industry so i doubt it will work here.

can also be settled outside of court
Ya the Appellant will have to prove to the satisfaction of a judge that both the Decision is "unreasonable"; and they had some "right" or "expectation" to the Aquaculture Licence even when the Minister actually has broad discretion and authority to issue licences to "fish" (Aquaculture is a "fishery") pursuant to subsection 7(1) of the Fisheries Act:

7 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Minister may, in his/her absolute discretion, wherever the exclusive right of fishing does not already exist by law, issue or authorize to be issued leases and licences for fisheries or fishing, wherever situated or carried on.

Well, at least this PR attempt to soothe investor fears will generate some much-needed income for those poor liars - or I mean lawyers :(

Should be a short trial or a short discovery, even. And the more I think about it - I think this is a good thing. When the judge calls out their bluff and they loose - more bad PR and the door is closed on any other multinational trying the same crap.
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I’m willing to bet this will result in compensation being paid to kick them out. Not only to the multinational companies but also to some local FN bands who are involved. This whole issue is to set a precedent for what I expect will be a buyout of the industry.