First day trolling salmon today. No downriggers

SO you understand the distance between weight and Flasher, the Flasher needs to roll and that is what the 20 foot of distance is about. If the weight is too close to the Flasher, you will not get the rolling action you are looking for

When Using a Deep Six and a Flasher and lots of people fish as close as 4'.

(Yes this is something like mixing Oranges & Apples but is important to know-no need to use lengths that will end up with a person having to handline a fish in.)
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We use to hook a 1 or 2 lb cannon ball on a drop leader 20 ft. above the flasher. Someone had to unhook it before a fish could be brought in. That and the stiff rod required sucked the fun out of playing all but the biggest fish. "Is he still on?". "Not sure".
I skip the flasher now if not using the DR.
I only use flashers with hootchies. Seem to get as many hits as anyone and much better land rate.

Banana lead and cut plug mooching is deadly!