
Well as i said in the other post
I got out fishing on the 24th, 26th and 27th out to Sooke and it sucked. Worst fishing I'd seen since September. Out of those 3 days i lost 1 good fish, released 8ish small fish, had my crab trap raided 1 day, but I did manage to get 6 keeper dungeness on the last day.
I think it's really slowed down compared to how HOT it was in November.
Spoke to my buddy who had a two day charter and he did not too bad, 7 one day off sidney and 8 off the waterfront the next. Lots of smaller ones to deal with and all around 6-8lbs. Where are the teenagers from early Nov. ? Im headed out for a trip on the 2nd. Hopefully it won't be windy for a change!!! M.D.
slow off the waterfront today...
moved out to Constance and finally hit a spring (2-1/2 hours later)
got the fish right to the boat, when a sealion decided to have some
fun with me.
He won the battle, and all i got was the fish head.
Damn things are a plague.
how did everyone else do ?
