Active Member
MSF are no different then catch and release fisheries when stocks of concerns are present. In fact they are worse because they increase C@R pressure on the stocks of concern because more anglers take part in MSF then C@R. That is why the commercial recreational sector is pushing for MSF, it means more people out and more $$ into commercial recreational fishing operations.
This is unaccounted mortality in the recreational fishery and it seems significant. All reported in one page
This is unaccounted mortality in the recreational fishery and it seems significant. All reported in one page
Put the prawn traps out today and went for a ride in the boat and ended up dropping the lines at Grace for a couple hours. Managed to hook two fish and get sealed twice ... really looking forward to the return of the transient/Biggs killer whales for a little Mother Nature seal cull action. Lot of prawns though so all good.
Finished up the day with one shaker released, one lost to a seal and one coughed up by a seal. Crabbing was ok. Northshore and freighters.
since @hippaisland is just too damn modesti'll report that his boat managed to get another big fish (15+) up Howe Sound on sunday. We released a few 'just unders' as well. Another great day up the Sound with weather and fishing cooperating nicely. Managed to avoid that pesky seal at grace but did see one other boat who wasn't so lucky