Fav fishing tunes

yup! my grandparents were pioneers there. Just listening to that song yesterday

[N542KdwDsJo] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N542KdwDsJo

one of my mom's favorites

That's cool fish stalker. I hadn't heard that one from Johnny before. Your mom has good taste:).
Some stuff that I used to listen to. It was the era. Punk Rock!!!

[-KTsXHXMkJA] http://youtu.be/-KTsXHXMkJA
What the hell. One more. Some one on here will relate to it lol.

[jbCqwl2geQg] http://youtu.be/jbCqwl2geQg
and if your going dead kennedys your missing the best song PS parenteral advisory :p

[8Jzdikbi9yE] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Jzdikbi9yE
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I prefer that stuff now fish stalker. The punk stuff I kind of put away. Not totally. I like these guys...........

[AzQs550NLcc] http://youtu.be/AzQs550NLcc
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If they try to slow you down...................

[TRVCtbfuDqw] http://youtu.be/TRVCtbfuDqw

I think this is the third time I have posted this song. I love it that much lol.
This has probably been posted before as well but I just need to turn this thing around..............

[GXCh9OhDiCI] http://youtu.be/GXCh9OhDiCI
thats awesome I remeber rewinding that tape to listen to that song over and over cuase it was so cool lol

mixing it up here :p just cause I know theres a diverse crowd

[6KUJE2xs-RE] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KUJE2xs-RE