New Member
Two friends and I purchased a little tinner last year and used it throughout the summer. We put 94 octane fuel in it prior to parking for about 10~ months.
Before starting the motor we changed the oil and put a new filter in and then tried to start the motor. As I'm guessing beginners would, we forgot to flip the choke and tried starting the motor. After realizing this we flipped the choke up and tried again and the motor started without issue.
Everythings great! Until we noticed a small drip of gas fairly consistently dripping out of the the following:

It looks like it's dripping out of the screw on the bottom of this and we're not sure of the fix. Is there a gasket in there we need to replace?
Any ideas would help!
Two friends and I purchased a little tinner last year and used it throughout the summer. We put 94 octane fuel in it prior to parking for about 10~ months.
Before starting the motor we changed the oil and put a new filter in and then tried to start the motor. As I'm guessing beginners would, we forgot to flip the choke and tried starting the motor. After realizing this we flipped the choke up and tried again and the motor started without issue.
Everythings great! Until we noticed a small drip of gas fairly consistently dripping out of the the following:

It looks like it's dripping out of the screw on the bottom of this and we're not sure of the fix. Is there a gasket in there we need to replace?
Any ideas would help!