
I was out flinging flies on Tuesday afternoon. Big hatch of a brightish dark olive (is that a colour ???) chironomids going on for the 3 hours I was out. Numerous double headers and big fish was 19 inches. That was the best afternoon I have had there for a couple of years. All but a couple of fish were caught deep in 30-40 feet of water and they were all bright and clean. Best spot was off the southside lilly pads out towards the bouys and over to the channel. The fish were all really aggressive and I hooked up the biggest goofing around with a very fast pike type retrieve.Took a couple home for dinner and the taste was fine still. Water was still pretty clear though.

I drove by this weekend and saw a lot of people fishing, anything to report?
Yo Mama and myselft were out again on the big lake Sunday afternoon. Decent action but nothing hot and heavy to report on. The waterskiers were already out in full force with the nice weather. It still looks like the lake is turning over.

I Have the weekend off, not sure if I'm going to hit the salt or the fresh yet though. Off from Fri-Monday.

Ok, im an ignorant saltwater fisherman never fished a lake . How does a "lake turn over" and what does that mean to fishing.[?]
Lake turnover doesn't happen on Vancouver Is lakes because they don't freeze over. Elk lake is probably going through a bloom on some sort or dead vegetation is being stirred up off the bottom from wind action along the shoreline.
Lake turnover can be described as follows:
Freshwater is most dense at 4 degrees C. When a lake freezes over the water at the surface is 0 degrees C and the water at the bottom is 4 degrees C. When the lake thaws the surface water warms to 4 degrees C and along with wind action mixes thouroughly or 'turnsover' with the water below. This brings up a lot of decaying vegetation from the bottom.
Thats the rough and dirty of it anyhow.