ECVI French creek-Nanoose-nanaimo reports

Dont see what your trying to prove none of those are near 20 and those must be from the westcoast not the straight or your over your limit.
Since we are talking lings I will throw in my two bits, I have taken my 8 year old daughter out 3 times in the last week for lings just so she could get hooked on fishing because it is a garanteed fishery where I fish ( discovery islands north of browns bay roughly.) We fished 1 hour of slack tide each day and our worst day was 6 fish. Our smallest fish was 12 lbs wich we kept for some fish and chips. The rest of the fish we released. most fish were easily in the 20lb plus category and we had 3 over thirty and 1 fish easily was over 40lbs. We fished with a large 8oz jig ( purple and green seemed to be the best). The ling cod fishery is very much a live just please let the big ones go and have fun. ( and no I am not a guide just a guy who likes to fish :))
Ya.. your right dude! I would totally waste my time fishing for Lings off the west coast. God knows theres no halibut offshore out there...
getting into 6 lings when you target them isnt that much of a rarity. I've done it on more then a few occasions off thrasher and the green can, but the catch mostly consists of 8 to 15 lbs. And i agree with you kelly, none of those are over 20.
thrasher wasnt much fun today, southeast winds, weeds, and lots of tide.
so we made one tac andi decided to pull up and go to the grande. Got 3 in the boat, two 8s and a 14. Lost a high teens to a seal, managed to get the gill plate back though. We had Our first double header of the year, but lost both fish[xx(]
copcar coyotes 110 feet down, a friend lost one to a seal and landed one around 10 aswell.
Rob i hear ya! 15-20kt se off ballenas and weeds EVERYWHERE. I was fishing solo and it was hell. The currents,winds were sending my boat and lines everywhere. I had to fish one rod for most of the day.The odd time i got my lines down i would hit dogfish. Didnt matter the speed or depth they were everywhere Drove me absolutely nuts. I was determined and put 6 hours in without a sniff[xx(] first skunk in almost a month. Put in 3 hours at gerald and 3 at ballenas.The only people i saw were 3 boats fishing the trench on the backside of gerald...... maybe i dont know something.Ill fish sat 3-9 and sunday 8-4. Greg you been out?goin out?
Hey Kelly, only had Sunday off, this work thing really gets in the way. I've been taking care of all the details for our Winter Harbour trp. We are leaving on Wed. for a week and theres so much to do. I'm gonna try to get out but who knows. Is your boat in the water cause if not you can have my spot while I'm gone.Bye for now
yea its in the water im pretty much beside you but i leave on tuesday for 2 weeks thanks for the offer. Anyone get out in these thunderstorms today? I talked to a friend and there is fish off gerald a he picked up his two yesteday.
Which boat is yours? Are you leaving it in? Does it have an auto bilge? Let me know and I'll keep an eye on when I get back.
its that little 15footer with the 30 yamie. My parents will be here so they can check if it rains but thanks again for the offer. Phoned a few more people for reports and they said there were a few fish off the SE side of gerald but seals were taking some. 150ft. Ill fish tommorow twice probaly and sunday

Hm that pink opening must be for the nanaimo river run forcasted? I have never caught pinks in the chuck around here aside from on the beach. Anyone ever catch or target them in the chuck trolling in this area? 20 mill headin for the fraser a few must pass us
Fish for them the same way you fish for sock-eye, slow troll lots of flash 30 inch leaders MP15 micro plankton. If you can only fish 2 rods put a dummy flasher off the ball. 40-75 ft deep.
P.S. fish the mouth of the Oyster River in Aug. You can troll a sinking fly line with any type of hot pink fly and put a silver colorado blade on a clevace then a red bead so it wont damage your knot to the fly. You will see the fish in about 40 ft of water and shallower. Super fun to get them on light gear.
Fished 8-9 on eastside of gerald. Slim pickins only one dog and rockfish. Very little bait showing... Ill hit up that 11am bite tommorow and then fish again in the eve then all sun am if anyone else is headin out.
I know your boat, do you remember about a month ago when you had a bunch of porpoise beside you at Gerald? I trolled right past you. I have a new lure you should try, I'll put one on the dash of your boat .
There is a boat launch right at the mouth of the Oyster at the small marina. The Saratoga beach turn off highway 19.
Greg thanks alot for the spoon it looks awsome. Ill drop 5 bucks on your dash. I fished 5 hours and it is sllllllllow. Talked to about 10 boats and only one guy touched a fish. we were everywhere and the only fish were showing on a reef off the NW side of ballenas. Shallow as well on a reef only 120ft deep. We got 2 hits(127ft) that popped off the downrigger on that spoon but they didnt stick. Im determined and goin to log another 3 hours tonight and 6 probaly tommorow.I hope all this fishing will pay off
Greg thanks alot for the spoon it looks awsome. Ill drop 5 bucks on your dash. I fished 5 hours and it is sllllllllow. Talked to about 10 boats and only one guy touched a fish. we were everywhere and the only fish were showing on a reef off the NW side of ballenas. Shallow as well on a reef only 120ft deep. We got 2 hits(127ft) that popped off the downrigger on that spoon but they didnt stick. Im determined and goin to log another 3 hours tonight and 6 probaly tommorow.I hope all this fishing will pay off