DSC radios ?

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any one here have any experience with these?Do you really think they are all that necessary over normal VHF?

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
Wave of the future. DSC will be mandatory very soon on all new radios very soon. They operate on VHF and will be a great addition with your GPS hooked into it.

Most commercial vessels no longer moniter ch 16 due to recent regulation changes. That takes a whole bunch of ears out of the equation for hearing a Mayday.

With DSC, a distress call is instant and broadcasted to ALL vessels in the area as well as CCG, no matter what chanell they (vessels) are tuned into.

Once you learn more about it, you'll understand just how important it really is.

I don't believe one can even purchase a new radio that insn't so equipped. Take the time and get it set-up and learn how to use it.

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
I've been doing a little more research and I like it.But how do I know if my GPS will connect with it.Or do I need to buy a special GPS as well?
My god!does it ever end?<img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
Don't even consider a VHF without DSC. Simply put it is life saving technology. Read the post here about capsizing in the sound. Picture yourself stressed with seconds abandon ship. Push one button and Coast Guard and RCC know your coordinates down to the foot.

Bought my VHF and GPS from Rauer in North Van. Not the cheapest, but the guy knows his product and even draws you a simple wiring diagram. It's just a matter of 2 wires.

Best of all. It's free. It took minutes to fill out the form, fax it to Industry Canada and recieve a MMSI number.
Don't even consider a VHF without DSC. Simply put it is life saving technology. Read the post here about capsizing in the sound. Picture yourself stressed with seconds abandon ship. Push one button and Coast Guard and RCC know your coordinates down to the foot.

Bought my VHF and GPS from Rauer in North Van. Not the cheapest, but the guy knows his product and even draws you a simple wiring diagram. It's just a matter of 2 wires.

Best of all. It's free. It took minutes to fill out the form, fax it to Industry Canada and recieve a MMSI number.
what brand/model did you get.How can I know if my current GPS will connect.

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
Don't even consider a VHF without DSC. Simply put it is life saving technology. Read the post here about capsizing in the sound. Picture yourself stressed with seconds abandon ship. Push one button and Coast Guard and RCC know your coordinates down to the foot.

Bought my VHF and GPS from Rauer in North Van. Not the cheapest, but the guy knows his product and even draws you a simple wiring diagram. It's just a matter of 2 wires.

Best of all. It's free. It took minutes to fill out the form, fax it to Industry Canada and recieve a MMSI number.
what brand/model did you get.How can I know if my current GPS will connect.

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
I am not saying they are the best, but they are very good. They have lots of information at their site and my company uses them in all their tugs and boom boats. I have both a handheld and base unit in my boat and I have never had a problem with them

This site has some information videos on how DSC works
I am not saying they are the best, but they are very good. They have lots of information at their site and my company uses them in all their tugs and boom boats. I have both a handheld and base unit in my boat and I have never had a problem with them

This site has some information videos on how DSC works
Im just picked up a uniden dsc solara vhs dsc radio fixed mount

Hope its decent 5ft antenna
haven't mounted it yet though

any of you guys have this model?

Island Boy through and through
Im just picked up a uniden dsc solara vhs dsc radio fixed mount

Hope its decent 5ft antenna
haven't mounted it yet though

any of you guys have this model?

Island Boy through and through
I've seen it.What gps are you using with it?

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing

I bought the uniden dsc solara vhs dsc radio as well, and it is compatible with my Lowrance LMS-480. Here's the goofy thing. I've never hooked it up because I was told that the DSC system wasn't available in Canadian waters yet. I guess I better do some research and get 'er done, huh?

From the Coast Guard MCTS Site.


Register Your New Radio Now and help the
Coast Guard help you!
If you've recently purchased a new VHF radio for your boat, it is probably equipped with a Digital Selective Calling (DSC) feature that allows selective calling on VHF Ch70. To make a digital call each radio must have an identity, a 9-digit Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) number. Your owner’s manual will tell you more about this feature and how to make a DSC call to another boat or to a shore station that has DSC capability. MMSI numbers are assigned, free of charge, by Industry Canada.

One important feature of a VHF DSC radio is that it can also send a Distress Alert which will tell the Coast Guard and other boaters in your area that you require immediate assistance.

As well, if your boat is equipped with a GPS receiver, it is highly recommended that it be connected to your DSC radio. This will ensure that your position is automatically sent when a Distress Alert is transmitted. Rescuers will then immediately know your exact location and assistance will arrive sooner. (Please note, DO NOT TEST this Distress Alerting feature, there is no test feature, and in fact it is an offence under both the Canada Shipping Act and the Radiocommunication Act to send a false distress message.)

Just imagine the scene: you’re out cruising with your family in your boat, when you suddenly smell smoke. You immediately stop the engine, and grab a fire extinguisher and check it out. You discover that the whole engine compartment is on fire!

The cabin is filling with deadly smoke, and you don't have enough time to get a mayday call out, but you do have time enough to hold the Distress Key on your radio down for 5 seconds, before you and your family abandon ship. A Distress Alert has been automatically transmitted on Ch70, clearly identifying you by the MMSI number, and your location, thanks to the GPS.

The call is received by the Coast Guard, who immediately send out the appropriate rescue resources.

All you had to do is hold the Distress Button in for 5 seconds and help was on the way! This feature is only enabled on those radios that have been assigned a MMSI number.

A properly installed and registered DSC radio could help save your life. The Coast Guard urges you to complete the application form for recreational boaters or call Industry Canada at 1-800-667-3780 for more information. Your completed application form can be either faxed or emailed to your local Industry Canada Office. Click here to view the list of addresses and phone numbers of all Industry Canada offices in Canada. To download the .PDF file form required for commercial vessels, click here.
Knucklebuster has it right - life saving technology you must have.

Connection to GPS is via the NMEA Network - twist the GPS NMEA outgoing wires to your receiving wires on VHF and your are done.

DCS Position Polling:
DSC Position Polling Advancements in DSC have made it possible to poll the location of another vessel and show the position of that vessel on the display of the VHF and chartplotter.
Futher, you can set up local groups where by yours and others positions will show up on your GPS screen. You enter into your VHF the DSC ID numbers from your buddy's VHF's and you are set. Most DCS radio will support 20 or so members in your private list. We use this system to share hot bites with friend without having to tell the entire world where we are at. With salmon no big deal to share but Halibut and particularly, boat shy tuna you can't beat the DSC option. ICOM, Standard Horizon, Raymarine all offer quality units.

DSC Position Polling Advancements in DSC have made it possible to poll the location of another vessel and show the position of that vessel on the display of the SPECTRUM+. Standard Horizon has taken this feature one step further, if any Standard Horizon GPS is connected to the SPECTRUM+ the polled position of the vessel is shown on the display of the GPS chart plotter making it easy to navigate to the location of the polled vessel. This is a great feature for anyone wanting to know the position of anther vessel for example you buddy that is catching fish, or finding the location of a person you are cruising with. DSC Position Send The feature is similar to Position Request, however instead of requesting a position of another vessel this function allows you to send you position to another v

DCS Capabilities needed:
Look for units with one-buttom emergency alert call - the RED buttom some call it. It is capable of sending an automated, unattended, continuous, digital MAYDAY message that includes current vessel position time/day and a FCC assigend vessel identification. By design, the DSC MAYDAY will be digitally received by the Coast Guard, all commercial vessels and any other vessel equipped with a DSC radio. This digital safety feature insures prompt assistanvce eliminating critical mistakes in MAYDAY transmissions that occur when operators are under stress. Save having having manually call/enter you position.

Check out http://www.standardhorizon.com/?cmd=DivisionHome&DivisionID=3