Dream Day! Help...

Little Hawk

Active Member

My life long fishin'-huntin' buddy is coming over (from Van) this weekend and I've got but one day to show him how great the fishing is over here. Circumstance has dictated that we don't see much of each other any more and I'm looking to put him into some good fish, perhaps both salmon and halibut.

The day will begin first-light Sunday and I'm asking for some help from any of you more experienced dudes on putting together a day of fishing he will not soon forget.

I'm thinkin' Sooke but I'm wide open to ideas.

Any and all help greatly appreciated.

The fish are moving around right now, they are one place one day and another the next. Possesion point and otter point seem to be producing for salmon. there has been an early morning bite and night bite. But all that can change by sunday. As for halibut i am deffinitly not the guy to ask. I would check saterday night on here and read the latest reports of local areas and then choose your sestination.

Good Luck and hope you are able to show your buddy a great time!

Head west fishing has been great for both salmon and halli.Port renfrew,Bamfield or Ukie are all good bets.
Fairly big tides this weekend Terry, you may get a short window for Halibut on the early tide change.
Then it's a flood tide till late afternoon, better for Springs.
So... Springs at first light at the Head/Trap then head over to Race for the 9'ish slack and drift for a Hali since I don't have an anchor-pak? Feasible scenario?

What radio-channel should I monitor out there so I can eavesdrop... then sneak-up on one of you 'fish-killers' and follow you around?

If I was a spring you would get me at 6 AM at the Trap or before noon at the head. Hali...nope, you wouldn't get me that day ;)

Good luck Terry!

Keep an ear on channel 68.
Well, drove to Black Creek Saturday and picked up my buddy. He was visiting with his girl-friend at her Bro's place up there and although he offered to take the train down here I thought I'd pick him up and we could do some catching-up on the long drive down here. It was a good idea, we had lots to talk about.

This fishin' trip would be our first together in nearly 30 yrs. We used to be inseparable huntin'- fishin' buddies when I lived in Van but circumstance and the course of our lives took us in different directions. Kinda sucks how that works...

We launched at 5:30 at Cheanuh and motored over to the head and after tying up some gear discovered my kicker wouldn't start; it ran like a top in the driveway a few days earlier and I haven't put put an hour on it since having the carb overhauled three months ago. I was pissed.
Trolled with the main back and forth from the Head to Possession and didn't get a hit. Saw several fish taken around us though. Meanwhile I continued to try to get the kicker started and finally, three hours later it sputtered to life and ran like a top thereafter.

Just before noon we were eastbound approaching the Head when we noticed a guy (alone) into a fish right off the Head. I thought "Cool" this is where my buddy gets into a fish. I trolled around him (inside) being careful not to crowd him while he played it. We got nothing on that pass but watched him boat a nice one that appeared over 20. Not to be discouraged I did a loop and got in line with the rest of the procession to make another pass (westbound) by the Head. Sure enough, as we go through there's another guy with a nice fish on in the exact same spot. Ugg-h-h! I motor past him and we watch while he boats another nice Spring. I do yet another U-turn to head back into the fish and notice I'm being shadowed at 30 or 40 yds by another boat who's on the same tack as we are. Sure enough, as we pass over the same hole at the Head, one of his reels lights-up and we get NADA!
Three nice fish from the same spot in 45-minutes or so. Wow, was all I could say.

Though we didn't boat a fish on Sunday, my buddy and I had a good time and he got to see what the South Island scene was about. Wish I could have put him into a fish though. He'll likely be back before the summer is out and we'll get another crack at it. Meanwhile, each of us will continue doing what it is in our lives that tore-apart two of the formerly greatest 'fish-killers' on the Howe Sound that ever existed...

Thanks all for your advice.
We all have those days, Probably was depth or gear choice. Early in the year like this i find the fish a little more picky as to what they want to eat.

Great Story!
