

Hello fellow Canadian fisherman, I have posted this on another site but, I'm always looking for help. I fish for Salmon and I believe I need to give back if I expect to see this fisheries last. I donate to a group called."Long live the Kings" here in the states but, I do fish Canadian water on the coast every year and I belive I need to also invest in my sport where I fish. I am asking for your recommendations on who are a good fish conservation group that I may donate to that isn't political. I love going to Canada to fish and the people I meet up north of me. I want to be able to come back over and over again so, I want to invest in your fisheries. Any recommendation would be appreciated.....Thanks
Or you can donate to the local area hatchery where you fish as it insures the money is going to where you fish!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry didnt know that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I donate to the Sunshine Coast Salmon Enhancement Society. They have a hatchery on Chapman Creek (near Sechelt) and have worked on restoring runs in several Sunshine Coast watersheds.

Releases this Spring:

Coho - 75,000
Chinook - 90,000
Pink - 120,000
Chum - 260,000
Steelhead - 4,600

Last year they received their largest return ever of even year pinks.

They are in need of donations for both day to day operations and some capital improvements to the hatchery (ensure adequate water supply, install aeration in the tanks etc..)

Contact Info:

The Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhancement Society
4381 Parkway Drive
Sechelt, BC V0N 3A1

Phone: 604-885-4136

Web Site:

Per the previous postings, I'll also look into giving to the Pacific Salmon Foundation as it also sounds like a very worthy cause.
Well, I made a donation to both PSF and Robertson Creek Hatchery. The thing I don't like about PSF is they are so large that they have a tendency to waste alittle money like paying Canada Helps to collect the donation which cost. I don't have big pockets so I like to have a much of my donations go directly to Salmon recovery. Might have to cut back on the donations alittle but, I think I'm going to make this a yearly thing. Thanks for letting me fish in Canada, most canadian fisherman are pretty neat guys.
Your right! Robertson Creek doesn't even answer me. Can you recommend any local hatcheries over on the westside of Vancouver Island. I have money earmarked for Salmon recovery. Got a hundred bucks left.
Well, I finally got a response from Robertson Creek Hatchery manager Mr.Ray Volk who impresses me. He has directed me to send my donations for the west coast to the "Alberni Valley Enhancement Association". I gave a hundred dollars to "Long Live the Kings" here in the states (Private organization) and two hundred fifty dollars to your "Alberni Valley Enhancement Association" and feel really good about it. I hope the people in our state that fishes up North and other Canadians will also donate to these private organization to enhance our fisheries. This way our children and grand children will have the opertunity to experience Salmon fishing in the future. Thanks for all the help guys.
hey, I am Jake Leyenaars son... curtis, i would personally like to thankyou for your donation to our enhancment society. it will go to good use! on a nother note, Ray Volk is a supper cool guy, i am glad he helped you out!
