Crew Member Christmas 2024

Don’t tell EVERYONE, you’ll lower my odds of winning

Even thought about having a little fun and challenging say like 5 maybe 10 others to join, these people would all get a day fishing with you? What do you think @Stizzla? Show people what not to do 😂
you are on to something! Business opportunity strikes out of nowhere…
I could be the oppo-guide!
Now that Christmas is in the rear view mirror for another year, I want to take this opportunity to thank the gang at Pacific Net and Twine for their contributions to our Crew Member Christmas event and especially acknowledge Adrian, from PNT, that puts the gift package together and ships everything to our lucky recipients. I am also thankful for all of the Crew Members for their support and contributions to the forum on a regular is much appreciated! I hope everyone had a great Christmas with family and friends and hope 2025 brings good health and happiness to you and yours!


Received my Science of Salmon Fishing book after the postal crew went back to work.
I have started reading it, and have already learned a thing or two I didn't know. Fortunately it has lots of pictures!
Thanks PNT for the prizes and to SFBC for putting it all together.
Happy New Year everyone.