Woo woot, I’m a bee loading up on some white fish with these bad boys! Maybe even give them a swim for some under ice lakers this winter (Our Day 10 gift recipient is...
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Congratulations @the force! Your gift will be sent to to you by PNT soon!
That’s a Stizzla hat for sureAs you frantically crash the malls for those last minute gifts, Pacific Net and Twine are ready to send our next lucky gift recipient an Accurate Snap Back Hat to wear on your next fishing adventure!
Our Day 9 gift recipient is...
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Congratulations @ReelSlim! The PNT gang will send your gift soon!
Awesome, merry christmas PNT, SFBC staff and members. Wishing everyone a prosperous and happy new year!Our Day 11 gift recipient is...
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Congratulations @hebert! The crew at PNT will be sending your gift soon!
I'm with you, LOL. Out of curiosity, how many Crew Members are there?And my streak continues