Cowie Ready?

Anybody planning on fishing or driving over the Cowichan today? Water level is almost at 2 meters but I'm wondering if it still looks like snot...
Bags is on his way home from the cowie with his sled in tow!!Give a full report when i hear from him shortly!he was working stolz area and upriver.
isn`t there a 10hp max on cowie or did i miss read the regs????????
Here we go again scottyboy reads the word sled and instantly assumes bags is breaking the law!!!He was in his 14ft. mini drift deal with a 9.9 yami!!Guys shouldnt take things so serious!!!
ok vince i was just questioning is all . i`m not here 2 stir ****up. i love my home river ok , bin fishing it for alot of years now bank and drift boat ok i know the cowie very well. me personally i don`t want jets mini or not on this river . keep it on the rivers that can handle it . i like the quiet thanks , thats all . many will agree . but if ya hafta ya i guess it is your right , fill your boats . scottyboy.
That one is set pretty DEEP! "Get the pliers".[:0]

How bout one of em' der turbo fan swampbuggies from dowrn South, that would move you and Bags's 300 pound frames up the cowie right quick eh Vinnie, Don't you come to work Beek?
sorry i sounded like a redneck from down south !beers do that to me. thanks maddog for pointing it out lol .
Has anybody drifted from Stoltz to Vimy? Just wondering if there are any sweepers, or other obstacles left after these crazy storms.
nothin too serious for sweepers today. it will get bad when the water drops. gonna be a couple of touchy spots. the worst one probably gonna be at washout. Water was not too bad today. Fishing could have been a little better.;)