Cowichan river

  • Thread starter Thread starter saltybeaver
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Any news of anything being cought above the bridges with a rod?
no news but river is up as of this morn.and colored

it must be something in the water
gonna try a drift sat stoltz 2 duncan ,longy but can be a goody

tight lines
Scotty have you done that drift before ? how long would you guess it takes ?
Any crazy spots to look out for?

yes i`ve done it lots it`s a very long day but it can be even longer if your having fun, 8hrs plus and thats movin

tight lines
if you know what your doin and watch it`s cool

tight lines
watch 4 boat flipper at the bottom of indian run

tight lines
I bought a pontoon boat last year,only used it once down the stamp a month ago,plan to use it alot this winter.
I guess when you say you you seen boats flip you are referring to river boats right, I would think a pontoon boat would be a bit more safer because you have more controll is this right ?
Are you drifting this weekend?
i`ve never known a boat 2 be flipped at that spot but there is a log that`s imbedded in the bottom of the river and hides just below the surface it could get a drift boat into trouble , the drift in it`s self is basic . as long as you know what your doing . The bible camp back eddy just run into it turn and row out depends on flow height

tight lines