cowi report

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex the Mighty
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Alex the Mighty

I went steelhead fishing on the cowichan on sunday. I caught 1 chrome steehead on the upper part of the river using a big orange corky. it was roughly 8-10 pounds. i caught it at about 10:00 am.
The water level were ok but there was a lot of evidence of flooding previously.
hope this info was useful
Thanks Alex
I plan on hitting the river later this week.
Nice to know there are steel about.
where is the colour coming from is the lake that colour or is it from a clay bank ???Im not that familar with the system but wouldnt mind trying it would be a nice break from the stamp
is it catch and release
never been steely fishin before so i was wondering what should i use for a rod?
The colour is coming from two of the three clay banks. They re routed the river away from one of them but there is still two more that screw us up!!! Fished it yesterday and it was blowin out as we were drifting.:(
Steelhead fishing on the cowichan is catch and release unless you catch a hatchery clipped fish with its adipose fin missing. A good bet for a rod is a 10'6 for length in a medium action. Leaders in the 10 lb to 15 lb range are a good bet with 15 being the norm in these water conditions.
hey chosen how far up are these clay banks located is possible to fish above them thanks for the reply
Dont want too take away from this thread but 15 lb leaders holy cow what for!!!I fished the cowie for many years and never used more than 10!!!Am i missing something here i dont see the need!!

I think most guys are a bit over worry about the LB size of their leader. I don't seem to find there was that much difference for the catch rate with the size of the leader. I personally have always use 15 LB leaders on the Cowichan. I hate losing fish with a broken leader and I like to control the fish as much as I can. 15 LB gives me a bit more room for errors ;) since I mainly use braided line for my main line and there is no stretch on those braided lines.

Where is Fins? Have not seem him around lately, either in the forum or aound the river?

Hey Hyde how's it going? I have been fishing the Stamp with Vinny in the Jet. It sure beats rowing... But now it's Cowie time, hopefully you haven't sore lipped them all. LOL. You still have the same boat, there was a rumour you got a new one ?? Maybe see you out in the next couple of weeks.
Hey darmin there are 2 clay banks above skutz falls and one below just above Stolts area. They re routed the river just bye the one at stolts. You can fish above them in the area around the tresle and down if you are gear fishing and fly fish above that.Hey Vince i usually use lighter leaders in clearer water even down to 6lb in extreme conditions but when i can get away with using something stronger I will. I help with tubing fish for the hatchery and I like to get the fish in while he still has some energy left in him. It gets a lot tougher on them to have to fight them for a while cause you have a weaker leader. I also hate to chase them out of a pool ;) Hey Hyde drop me a line havent seen you on the flow yet this year:D

I certainly did not sore lipped them, it's The Chosen one's fault. He sore lipped quite a few of them [:p] I try to stay away when he is on the water ;)

No new boat for me, the same old. Did you get a new boat?

Becareful there is a nasty log jam in the washout if you drift it.

No new boat for the Willie boy's, same old.. Ya thanks for the heads up on the Wash-out, that was always a bad spot. Hopefully somebody cuts some logs out if they can. Maybe see you on the flow.
hahaha hyde very funny!!! I did sore lip a couple. I'm thinkin of changin hooks as I seem to lose a few more than I'd like[xx(] Right now im usin gammys but i think i might change to Owners!! theyre more expensive but hey there are only so many chances right;)!!!
I've only gone from Stoltz to Vimy. This section will be tough as water levels drop. Watch the island at Holt Cr. and stay to the left (see Flipped Boat thread).
Was out yesterday (31st). Picked up 1 wild buck about 10 lbs.
Visibility is still quite poor. Only about 2 to 3 feet.
Generally still pretty tough fishing with the water as high as it is.