cowi report

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex the Mighty
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Dr. Hook, did I net that fish for you? If so, I'm Whitewater_cowboy. Should have been more polite and introduced myself. Tight lines.
Grander, the key for Sandy is only $50 and to the best of my knowledge the lock is working. I think they had some trouble with the lock freezing in the snowy weather. Tight lines.
Whitewater cowboy i think your wrong on the was 100 bucks a few years ago and by the way you dont need wilderness first aid too become a guide!!Dont know where you got that info from!
Vince, I paid $50 for the sandy pool key and $100 for Stolz key...just a few weeks ago. I am licensed to guide as of 2006. Requirements are: passing the guides exam at the fish and wildlife office; qualify for insurance. Insurance requires certification in Wilderness First Aid. Went for a hike on the Cowichan this afternoon and fished a couple of spots below sandy for a couple hours. Long distance released one chromer about 6-8 lbs. Lots of traffic on the river, looks like a busy weekend! Tight lines.
No, 'Whitewater', it wasn't me so no need to apoligize.
Was out again on Feb 1st but nada.

Your sure right about the river being crowded this year. I wouldn't dare go near it during the weekend.
Cowboy's right... you need wilderness first aid to become certified in BC. When I used to guide on the Bow in Alberta you also needed swift water rescue - I'm surprised this is not also mandatory here with rivers like the Cowie... I guess you've got some work to do, hey Vince?
3 of us pontooned yesterday (Feb.1). I finally landed my first steely. A 9 pound doe. My buddy landed a 10 pound buck as well. Nice day on the river.

It looks like the tree on the right side of the island above Holt creek was cut out. We found that out after we took on the big water to the left of the island.

All and all, a good first Cowie trip of the year.
Hey Blackleech actually i already have it but wont need it for guiding...I never would be a guide especially on the cowie it would be work for me and i already work enough.Too many so called guides as it is a days anyone can buy a piece of crap drift boat drift a couple times claim too"Roll" a couple fish tell some bull**** about how many you hooked(seen it many times)and become another local cowie legend.Cowie guides come and go like high water does on that flow.Why is it a race down river with these guys anyway???
sounds like you dont like to fish second water there Vinnie[8D] Those numbers guys post must be bull there's no way they can hit that many[:p]
Anyone seen any hatchery fish around at all? Heard of a few but just speculation.
Released a 6 pound hatch the other day from w/out, poor fish only has hours left until some bait hording, meat monger bonks it.
hey oglthorpe, i saw you pontooning down at the picnic grounds. i callled and asked how the fishing was. i saw 3 that day using a pink worm. all wild. it seems like theres no hatcherys these days.
Bankies everywhere yesterday, 3 trucks at every good spot, played hopscoth all day waiting for spots to open up, even pulled the pin for half an hour and almost drove to another system. Decided to stay and just had a couple of dewey pops insted to give me some liquid courage for the afternon combat fishery, no fear after that, knees and elbows.....kidding. Fished c/l, b/c, and below Vimmy, zero for me but my buddy landed a nice wild 9 lb chromer. Talked to a few guys, only heard of 2 other hook ups but nothing landed.
Was out yesterday, conditions were perfect for swinging the fly. Had one good pull and that's all... this time last year would have hooked 3 in a morning. Most fishing pressure I've seen yet, I counted 9 drift boats between 8 and 11am - one after another - this must be frustrating if you're not in the first couple boats, the same water gets pounded over and over again, not very effective. Going to have to hit the Stamp for some peace and quiet! ha ha